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December 2023

New versions of Heretto products are here! Read on to learn what has changed. šŸš€


Starting in December 2023, Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API release numbers represent the year, month, and day when the software version was released. For example, Heretto Portal 23.12.13 was released on December 13, 2023.

Heretto product versions released in December:

  • Heretto CCMS

    • 23.12.5

    • 23.12.12

    • 23.12.19

    • 23.12.26

  • Heretto Portal 23.12.13

  • Heretto Deploy API 23.12.8 and 23.12.13

  • Cloud Publishing 23.12.6

December 26, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.12.26

In version 23.12.26, there are no end-user updates to report. Our focus was on creating and perfecting new features and improving the performance of the system. While these enhancements may not be immediately noticeable, they contribute to an improved user experience.

December 19, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.12.19

  • Added. We added support for Oxygen version 26.0. Oxygen. For more information, see Oxygen Integration.

  • Enhanced. For enhanced security, we extended the lockout duration for non-SSO users to 30 minutes. Now, if a user enters an incorrect username or password five times while trying to log in to the CCMS, they are locked out for 30 minutes. After this period, they can attempt to log in again. This modification applies to non-SSO login attempts to the CCMS.

  • Fixed. We resolved a content rendering issue that prevented topics reused with keyrefs in a map from being published to Heretto Portal. Previously, map structures like the one below published as expected to PDF Generator and DITA-OT Cloud outputs, but not to Heretto Portal. The expected behavior is for the content in topic.dita to appear twice in the output. This behavior is now consistent across all three publishing options. The below structure also works when instead of using a topic, you use a JSON file to publish your API to Heretto Portal. Note that publishing JSON files is only supported in Heretto Portal. For more information about publishing API to Heretto Portal, see API Docs Overview.

    <map id="ditamap-2150">
        <title>Main map</title>
        <topicref href="topic.dita" keys="t_key"/>
        <topicref keyref="t_key"/>

    This fix affects content rendering in Heretto CCMS that spans multiple publishing options, including Heretto Portal, which is why this fix is reported for a CCMS release.

  • Fixed. We addressed a behavior where if a suggestion to make text bold, underlined, or italic was rejected, it led to validation errors in topics. It also caused issues with revisions in the History tab, and problems when publishing with a PDF Generator scenario that uses the Track Changes option set to publish with suggestions included. These issues have now been resolved.

  • Fixed. We addressed a behavior where archived comments were not displayed in the Archived tab unless there was at least one active comment in the file. Now, archived comments are always visible in the Archived tab, regardless of the presence of active comments in the file.

  • Fixed. We addressed a behavior in the Links tab where the Outgoing Links and All Dependencies tabs showed the number of links you should see listed but listed no linked files. This behavior did not affect the Incoming Links tab. Now, the Outgoing Links and All Dependencies tabs show links as expected.

December 13, 2023

Some changes span both Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API. In such cases, we add release notes under both products with a note that a specific version of Heretto Portal or Deploy API is required for that fix.


Starting in December 2023, Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API release numbers represent the year, month, and day when the software version was released. For example, Heretto Portal 23.12.13 was released on December 13, 2023.

Heretto Portal 23.12.13

  • Enhanced. We have improved the visibility of API test area errors. When you test you API directly from Heretto Portal and click Send API request without providing all required parameters, the error message that is shown is now clear and readable against the dark background of the API test area. his resolves the previous issue of the message blending into the background.

    Figure 1. API test area in Heretto Portal with an error message
    API test area with in Heretto Portal an error message
  • Fixed. You can now use the Next button in Heretto Portal to navigate between DITA topics and your API specification content generated from a JSON file. Previously, using the Next button returned and error page.

  • Fixed. The Responses section on an API endpoint specification page now shows multiple response codes in a grid format ensuring visibility for all response codes, even when there are more than five.

Heretto Deploy API 23.12.13

  • Fixed. You can now use the Next button in Heretto Portal to navigate between DITA topics and your API specification content generated from a JSON file. Previously, using the Next button returned and error page.

  • Fixed. Links from custom sections on your Heretto Portal home page to topics within chunked content now function correctly. For example, when a topic belongs to a structure that uses chunk="to-content" and you link that topic in a custom section like What's New on the portal home page, the link works as expected. Previously, such links led to an error page.

  • Fixed. We have resolved an issue related to replacing active sync deployments with manual ones. In rare cases, a deployment may need to be replaced, for instance, when the deployment type changes. In such scenarios, a new deployment is created and configured to use the same portal environment as the original. Previously, this process caused issues with the portal environment. Now, deployment replacements can be done without any problems. For more information about deployment types, see see Deployments Overview.

  • Fixed. We have fixed an issue related to localized content in Heretto Portal that occurred when translate="no" was set on a mapref in a structure like the one below. When map.ditamap contained a topic that was renamed or moved to a new location in Heretto CCMS, the locales (target languages) associated with that topic, were no longer displayed in Heretto Portal. Currently, when a topic that belongs to this structure is renamed or moved to a new folder, its locales are shown in Heretto Portal as expected.

            <mapref href="map.ditamap" format="ditamap" translate="no"/>

December 12, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.12.12

  • Fixed. We identified and addressed a short-lived behavior that made it possible for Reviewers to publish content. As a result, users added to the CCMS in the Reviewer role do not have access to the Output tab in the Resource Drawer.

  • Fixed. We fixed an issue in the Suggesting mode that caused suggestions to be presented incorrectly in the output when publishing with a PDF Generator scenario with the Track Changes option set to publish with suggestions included. The issue was caused by the closing processing instruction (PI) element being slightly misplaced in lists. This behavior has been resolved.


    The Track changes option is an optional configuration for PDF Generator and DITA-OT Cloud. For more information, see Optional Configurations for Heretto CCMS Publishing.

December 8, 2023

Heretto Deploy API 23.12.8

  • Fixed. We have addressed an issue where the Next button was not working correctly in a specific section of the API Docs in Heretto Portal. This issue occurred when multiple topics were generated from an API specification .json file, causing the Next button in the second last topic to malfunction. Now, the Next button functions consistently across all pages, improving user navigation and experience.

December 6, 2023

Cloud Publishing 23.12.6

Cloud publishing is an umbrella term for all publishing engines that come with Heretto CCMS, including PDF Generator and DITA-OT Cloud. The cloud publishing infrastructure is separate from Heretto CCMS infrastructure. New versions of cloud publishing are released separately from CCMS versions and are deployed to customers immediately after they are released. Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API are separate products and are not part of cloud publishing.

  • Fixed. This fix is important if you use both Antenna House (AH) and Formatting Objects Processor (FOP) formatters in your DITA-OT Cloud publishing scenarios. Previously, when a toolkit contained AH, DITA-OT Cloud always used the AH formatter. It was not possible to configure the pdf.formatter parameter to indicate which formatter should be used. It caused issues for customers who use the same toolkit in publishing scenarios that do not need AH. Now, you can configure the pdf.formatter parameter in DITA-OT Cloud publishing scenarios and specify which formatter you want it to use:

    • Adding the pdf.formatter="fop" parameter to publishing scenarios that use a toolkit that includes the AH formatter publishes with FOP not AH.

    • Adding the pdf.formatter="ah" parameter to publishing scenarios that use a toolkit that includes the AH formatter publishes with AH.

December 5, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.12.5

In version 23.12.5, there are no end-user updates to report. Our focus was on creating new features and improving the performance of the system. While these enhancements may not be immediately noticeable, they contribute to an improved user experience.