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May 2024

New versions of Heretto products are here! Read on to learn what has changed. πŸš€

Heretto product versions released in May:

  • Heretto CCMS

    • 24.05.07

    • 24.05.21

    • 24.05.28

  • Heretto Portal 24.05.09

  • Heretto Deploy API

    • 24.05.09

    • 24.05.30

May 30, 2024

A new version of Heretto Deploy API is now available and offers a few useful fixes.

Heretto Deploy API 24.05.30

  • Fixed. We addressed an issue where the Next navigation button was not present in Heretto Portal if the next page was structured as a topichead element with the chunk="to-content" setting. The Next navigation button is now present on portal pages that precede a chunked topichead.

  • Fixed. Topics reused multiple times in a sitemap that have resourceid values and DITAVAL filters defined now correctly direct users to the appropriate content in Heretto Portal. This fix also applies to context-sensitive help outputs delivered with Deploy API.

  • Fixed. If your content includes equations and you need to color-code them, you'll be happy to know that color-coded equations are now correctly displayed in the intended color in Heretto Portal.

May 28, 2024

The default Color and Gray PDF Generator templates got a fix!

Heretto CCMS 24.05.28

  • Added. Heretto CCMS now supports Oxygen XML version 26.1. For more information about the Oxygen integration, see Oxygen Integration.

  • Fixed. We updated the CSS for the default Color and Gray PDF Generator templates to remove a word-break: break-all setting from the selector for table cells (td) in choicetable_table.css. The setting was causing words to break unexpectedly in choice table cells. This adjustment prevents such line breaks and applies to all publishing scenarios using these templates. For details on the word-break CSS property, see

May 21, 2024

A new Heretto CCMS version is available. It introduces backend improvements that do not immediately impact end-users.

Heretto CCMS 24.05.21

In version 24.05.21, there are no end-user updates to report. Our focus was on backend improvements. While these improvements may not be immediately noticeable, they contribute to an improved user experience.

May 9, 2024

New versions of Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API are now available!

Heretto Portal 24.05.09

  • Added. It is now possible to localize all levels of search facets added to Heretto Portal. For details, go to Heretto Portal Search Facets.

  • Enhanced. It is now possible to control the order of search facets in Heretto Portal. For details, go to Heretto Portal Search Facets and search for order.

Heretto Deploy API 24.05.09

  • Enhanced. Requests sent to Deploy API can now contain only one of these parameters for-path, for-id, or for-resourceid. If a request contains more than one of these parameters, it fails with status code 400. The current logic introduces clarity to request processing by Deploy API. Previously Deploy API allowed more than one of these parameters in a request and prioritized the as follows: for-id, for-path, and then for-resourceid. For the updated Deploy API specification, go to β€œAPI Endpoint Specification” in Heretto Deploy API.

May 7, 2024

A new version of Heretto CCMS has shipped!

Heretto CCMS 24.05.07

  • Fixed. We addressed a behavior where the Content Library search would return results from a previous folder instead of the current one. This fix ensures that search results are accurate for the folder being viewed.

  • Fixed. We resolved several issues related to SVG images. Once your CCMS environment is updated to version 24.05.07, we need to run a script to ensure the fixes apply to the SVG files you already have in the CCMS. Contact your Customer Success Manager for details.


    If you have been experiencing issues publishing SVG images with PDF Generator, you might be running into a Prince formatter limitation (formerly Prince XML) that prevents it from processing SVG files larger than 10 MB. As a result, such SVG images are not included in the output. Review the size of your SVG files and ensure they do not exceed the limit.

    For more information about Prince, see PDF Generator Overview.

    • SVG images are no longer flagged as having broken links in the Content Library

    • SVG images are no longer flagged as having broken links in Preflight Check


      When preparing to complete this work, we confirmed that this has been resolved since Heretto CCMS 24.04.02.

    • In the Links tab, SVG images are no longer listed as files that link to themselves