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August 2023

New versions of Heretto products are here! Read on to learn what has changed. 🚀

Heretto product versions released in August:

  • Heretto CCMS

    • 23.8.1

    • 23.8.10

    • 23.8.15

    • 23.8.22

    • 23.8.31

  • Heretto Portal 5.6.0 and 5.7.0

  • Heretto Deploy API 3.18.0

  • Cloud Publishing 23.10.9

August 31, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.8.31

  • Added. Browsing the Content Library just got easier. Now, when you navigate through Heretto CCMS to look for a resource, the system remembers your last location and starts there.

  • Enhanced. We have made some significant improvements to the load time of the Locales tab in the Resource Drawer. Now, large maps with multiple locales do not take as long to load.⏱️

  • Fixed. When you publish localized content to the dita output type with DITA-OT Cloud, the resulting output now contains the same CCMS metadata as when you publish the source language files.

August 25, 2023

Some changes span both Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API. In such cases, we add release notes under both products with a note that a specific version of Heretto Portal or Deploy API is required for that fix.

Heretto Portal 5.7.0

  • Added. 📢 We added API Docs, a feature that introduces support for publishing API documentation to Heretto Portal. Requires Heretto Deploy API 3.18.0. Read about API Docs at API Docs Overview. 🎯

  • Added. You can now overwrite the default localizations of text strings generated by DITA elements. Examples of text strings generated by DITA elements include Note, Procedure, or Figure. Requires Heretto Deploy API 3.18.0.

  • Enhanced. Languages in the language selector are now sorted alphabetically by default. You can also customize the order of languages by adding this property to the styles.css file.

    :root {
        --localeSelectorOrder: fr-fr,en-us,es-es;
  • Fixed. The language selector now responds to scrolling as intended. Previously, it froze and moved together with the page when users were scrolling.

  • Fixed. When you change a language with the language selector, the left (or main) table of contents (TOC) updates to the selected language immediately. Previously, content in the content page was updated to the selected language as expected but the left TOC would stay in the previous language until the page was refreshed.

  • Fixed. Conditional processing attribute values applied multiple times to a reusable element are now correctly carried to documents that reuse that element with the content reference attribute (conref). For example, you have a reusable section element (section) that contains multiple elements with the deliveryTarget attribute values set to print or online. When you reuse that section element in a document and publish that document to your Heretto Portal, all applicable elements in the reused section are correctly filtered according to your DITAVAL settings. Previously, if the same element was reused multiple times with conref in one document, conditional filtering was applied to the first occurrence and then this content was shown for all other conrefs, regardless of conditional filtering applied to them.

Heretto Deploy API 3.18.0

  • Added. 📢 We added API Docs, a feature that introduces support for publishing API documentation to Heretto Deploy API. Requires Heretto Portal 5.7.0. Read about API Docs at API Docs Overview. 🎯

  • Added. You can now overwrite the default localizations of text strings generated by DITA elements. Examples of text strings generated by DITA elements include Note, Procedure, or Figure. Requires Heretto Portal 5.7.0.

August 23, 2023

Cloud Publishing 23.10.23

Cloud publishing is an umbrella term for all publishing engines that come with Heretto CCMS, including PDF Generator and DITA-OT Cloud. The cloud publishing infrastructure is separate from Heretto CCMS infrastructure. New versions of cloud publishing are released separately from CCMS versions and are deployed to customers immediately after they are released. Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API are separate products and are not part of cloud publishing.

  • Fixed. When you publish from DITA-OT Cloud using the Oxygen WebHelp plugin, you no longer receive a false failure report. The issue was caused by Java version 17 used by the plugin and has been resolved.

  • Fixed. Localized annotated images no longer publish with just the annotations and without the graphic. It was an edge case that happened only when you had two copies of the same image file with different file extension capitalization. For example, one written in upper case image-name.PNG and the other in lower case image-name.png.


    The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) publishing engine does not support publishing annotated images.

August 22, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.8.22

  • Enhanced. When you open a map containing a document that is read-denied to you, the document now shows a message informing you that you do not have read access to that document.

  • Fixed. Uploading SVG files larger than one megabyte (MB) no longer causes errors.

  • Fixed. Previously, when maps referenced submaps with the key reference attribute (keyref) the content present in some of those submaps did not render in the Content Editor. Now, the content present in submaps reference with the keyref attribute renders in the Content Editor as expected.

    Example of a map structure that uses the keyref attribute:


    <map id="ditamap-1">
        <title>Parent Map</title>
        <mapref href="Key_Map.ditamap"/>
        <mapref keyref="child_a_map_key"/>
        <mapref keyref="child_b_map_key"/>
        <topicref href="Topic_C.dita"/>


    <map id="ditamap-2">
        <title>Key Map</title>
        <keydef format="ditamap" href="Submap_A.ditamap" keys="child_a_map_key"/>
        <keydef format="ditamap" href="Submap_B.ditamap" keys="child_b_map_key"/>


    <map id="ditamap-3">
        <title>Submap A</title>
        <topicref href="Topic_A.dita"/>
  • Fixed. When you change a map element from topicref to keydef, the element now appears correctly in the map tree pane without the need to reload it.

    Figure 1. Changing topicref to keydef in the map tree updates the tag to keydef immediately
    Changing topicref to keydef in the map tree updates the tag to keydef immediately

August 15, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.8.15

  • Fixed. We corrected the behavior where adding the bold, italics, or underline elements as tracked changes in the suggesting mode prevented content from publishing correctly with legacy DITA-OT and DITA-OT Cloud. Now, when you use those elements when adding suggestions in the suggesting mode and do not resolve those suggestions before publishing, publishing does not fail.

August 10, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.8.10

  • Fixed. When merging a document between two branches, previously resolved suggestions no longer incorrectly appear in the content.

August 8, 2023

Heretto Portal 5.6.0

  • Added. In Heretto Portal, keyscope attributes are now automatically applied to <version> elements in sitemaps. Thanks to that, you can specify key definitions that will be available to reference only from within a specific sitemap version.

  • Fixed. When you open the language selector in Heretto Portal and scroll the page, the language selector now stays in one place on the screen.

  • Fixed. When two files that exist on separate branches share the same locale (translation to a target language), the content of each file is now displayed correctly. Previously, we found that one file could show the locale from the other.

August 1, 2023

Heretto CCMS 23.8.1

  • Enhanced. In PDF Generator content transformation, outputclass attribute values added to the topichead element are carried over to HTML which enables you to use the value to style your content. For example, class="topicref topichead break-after" is now present in HTML for such a topichead element:

    <topichead outputclass="break-after">
                <navtitle>Hello World</navtitle>
            <mapref href="hello_world.dita"/>

    This enhancement has been available in the system since late May 2023.

  • Fixed. When you use the Bulk Change option to change the status of a map and its topics, then open the map in the Content Editor, you see the new status as expected. Note that the new status has always been instantly visible in the Content Library and Resource Drawer. The issue only affected the Content Editor.

  • Fixed. In PDF Generator, localized annotated images no longer publish with just the annotations and without the graphic. It was an edge case that happened only when you had two copies of the same image file with different file extension capitalization. For example, one written in upper case image-name.PNG and the other in lower case image-name.png.

  • Known Issue. When you open a map for editing then open the Content Library and use the Bulk Change option to change the status of that map and its topics, the new status is applied to the files but it is not reflected in the map tree. As a workaround, reopen the map to see the new status in the map tree. We have this issue on our radar. 👀