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March 2024

New versions of Heretto products are here! Read on to learn what has changed. πŸš€

Heretto product versions released in March:

  • Heretto CCMS

    • 24.03.06

    • 24.03.12

    • 24.03.19

  • Cloud Publishing 24.03.11

March 19, 2024

Heretto CCMS 24.03.19

  • Enhanced. We addressed a behavior in the Suggesting mode that allowed users to alter suggestions made by others by wrapping and unwrapping them in other elements. This workaround is no longer possible. Now, any attempt to wrap an element that contains unresolved suggestions added by other users returns a warning message. This ensures that only the original author of a suggestion can modify it. Additionally, we have introduced a new enhancement: replacing an element that contains unresolved suggestions added by other users is now also disallowed.

  • Fixed. We have addressed a situation where DITA-OT Cloud publishing jobs for large, localized maps were timing out. In the past, if the time taken to create the input bundle exceeded five minutes, the job would fail. We have enhanced the bundle creation process, improving publishing speed and eliminated the timeout issue.

March 12, 2024

Heretto CCMS 24.03.12

  • Fixed. We have resolved an issue with the file picker in Heretto CCMS that affected linking to files on different branches in Content Editor and adding files to an assignment from a different branch. Now, when you link to a file in a different branch or add a file in a different branch to an assignment, the correct file is linked or added to an assignment.


    The option to link to files in other branches is configurable. If you want it configured in your CCMS environment, contact your Customer Success Manager.

  • Fixed. We have fixed an issue that previously allowed users with the Reviewer role in the CCMS to edit text-based, non-DITA files in the Source Editor, such as .json and .css. By default, the Reviewer role restricts users from editing DITA files in Source Editor. This restriction now applies to non-DITA files like .json, .css, and .txt as well. This means that users with the Reviewer role can only view DITA and text-based non-DITA files in the Source Editor.

March 11, 2024

Cloud Publishing 24.03.11

Cloud publishing is an umbrella term for all publishing engines that come with Heretto CCMS, including PDF Generator and DITA-OT Cloud. The cloud publishing infrastructure is separate from Heretto CCMS infrastructure. New versions of cloud publishing are released separately from CCMS versions and are deployed to customers immediately after they are released.

Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API are separate products and are not part of cloud publishing.

  • Fixed. We have resolved a logging issue in DITA-OT Cloud that incorrectly marked successful publishing jobs as failed (red x icon that represents a failed publishing job). The issue was caused by a worker error that was reported unnecessarily in the publishing job log. We have updated the publishing log to exclude this worker error, which resolves this issue.

March 6, 2024

Heretto CCMS 24.03.06

  • Added. When configured, the completion of a PDF Generator publishing job can now trigger a webhook notification and send the output to a different service. lt is also possible to manually send webhook notifications for past publishing jobs. For more information about webhooks in Heretto CCMS, see Webhooks.

  • Fixed. We have resolved an issue that previously led to inconsistent reporting of map dependencies in the Overview tab of the Resource Drawer. This issue was related to the initial linking process in maps and submaps. As users opened these maps and submaps, the system reprocessed the linking, leading to discrepancies. We are happy to report that this issue has been fixed.

    Figure 1. The number of map dependencies reported in the Overview tab
    Layer 1
  • Fixed. We have addressed a complex but intermittent edge case that affected the retrieval of file information from the CCMS. This issue occasionally caused the Content Editor or CCMS to become unresponsive, particularly when loading large documents. These documents wouldn't load in the Content Editor until a system or document reload. We are happy to report that after thorough testing, we haven't been able to recreate this issue.