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Deployments Overview

Types of deployments

There are two types of deployments: Active Sync and Manual Deploy.

Active Sync

Active Sync automatically publishes content updates to the Heretto Portal. Any change introduced in a topic or map will be immediately visible on your portal environment. This deployment type is particularly useful if you have a staging instance and want to preview content that is still work-in-progress.

Manual Deploy

Manual Deploy requires the deployment to be triggered by a Heretto CCMS Administrator. That means your updates will not be reflected in the Heretto Portal until a deployment is triggered manually. Manual Deploy enables you to control when content updates are visible in your portal instance. It's especially useful when you want to publish approved updates for a specific release to a production portal instance.

Known Limitations

  • You cannot deploy from a release. You can, however, branch a release and deploy from that branch.

  • Deployments do not warn about validation issues in your content. It does warn you about issues in the publish process.

  • There is no history of past publishes/deployments.

Configure Deployments

Deployments can be configured by Administrators in the Heretto CCMS.

If you want to create a deployment for a map on a specific branch, switch to that branch.

  1. In the Administration interface, go to Deployments.
  2. In the upper right, click + New Deployment.
  3. In the Create Deployment window, provide the following details:
    Create Deployment Window
    1. Provide the name of the deployment.
      Note: We recommend including the name of the branch and portal instance in the deployment name. For example, when your deployment is to publish content from the Verification branch to the staging portal instance, your deployment name could be Verification branch & Staging portal. This will ensure that anyone can understand how each deployment is configured.
    2. Decide which deployment type you want to set up. By default, deployments are set to Manual Deploy. If you want to configure an Active Sync deployment, select the Active Sync option.
    3. Click Add file and navigate to the map that you want to deploy.
      Remember: To deploy a map from a specific branch, switch to that branch before starting this step
  4. Click Save.
  5. Copy the ID Heretto generated for your deployment and pass it to your Customer Success Manager, along with the following information:
    • Share URL to the deployment map

    • The name of the branch with the deployment map

    • The Heretto Portal instance that the deployment map should be connected to

Once the Heretto team completes the configuration on their side, the configuration of the deployment is complete.