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Heretto CCMS 22.26

Read through the details on our updates in Heretto CCMS 22.26. We worked a bunch on Content Editor and also sneaked in some updates to the Activity interface, Review interface, and our Localization module ✌.

Release Date

General Availability - September 16, 2022

Activity Interface

Activity interface got an enhancement that some of you might find very handy! 👌🏽


  • We added an activity count to our Activity interface so you can see how many results you're looking at 👀. To see more activity entries, simply scroll down. You can also filter activity by date, user, and activity type.

    Figure 1. Activity Entries Are Now Counted
    Activity entries are now counted

Content Editor

We've got a few Content Editor fixes for you!


  • Do you ever find yourself highlighting a word to create an external link via the Insert Link option? We are pretty sure most of you do! When in the href field, if you right-clicked it and selected Paste, you might have noticed that the cross-reference (xref) was created with an empty href attribute.

    We corrected that behavior and now both methods - right-clicking and selecting Paste and using a keyboard shortcut - add the URL as a value in the href attribute 🎯.

    Figure 2. Copying and Pasting a URL
    Pasting a URL by using right-click then Paste now works as expected
  • We addressed an issue that made it possible to reuse a note element with the conref attribute into an invalid location in a topic. Conreffed note elements are now correctly inserted in valid ✔️ locations only. Party! 🥳

  • &#39 - this mysterious code snippet represents the apostrophe character. When added in a topic title element, it used to show up as the mysterious encoded entity in Map Editor instead of an apostrophe. Now, the apostrophe character and other encoded entities are presented in the map tree in a human-friendly form. Huzza! ⚓
    Figure 3. Apostrophe Character Displayed in the Map Editor
    apostrophe character displayed correctly in the Map Editor
  • Heretto has a built in spellchecker that flags any misspelled words as you go. The spellchecker uses a default database of words and so it might not know some proper nouns and errantly flag correctly-spelled words. In such a situation, you can right-click that word and add it to dictionary so it doesn't get flagged in the future. There were, however, certain words you could not add to the dictionary because the Add To Dictionary option was not present for them. We fixed that and now when you right-click any word that the spellchecker flags as not in the dictionary, the Add To Dictionary option appears on the menu 🍽️.


We never expected to talk about Finding Dory in our docs. But here we go 😄.


  • Have you heard about Finding Dory? 🐟 This poor fish suffered from short term memory loss and whatever you told her just didn't stick. Well, as it happens our Translation Memory Mode used to have a similar problem. You'd introduce edits and it wouldn't remember them. We can't help Dory but we did fix the TM mode. We brought back its elephant's memory and all the changes introduced in the TM mode are saved again 💯.

Review Interface

Dragging and dropping a suggested element is a pretty sweet 🍭 feature! Take a look at how we improved it for you!


  • As you likely know, when working in the Suggesting mode, you can suggest to add elements. When you would then drag and drop that element, each action would be recorded as a new tracked change in the Review tab. We fixed that and now only one card is added no matter how many times you drag and drop a suggestion to add an element.

    Note: Dragging and dropping elements is possible when working with a tags view 🏷️ turned on.
    Figure 4. You Can Drag and Drop a Suggested Element
    You Can Drag and Drop a Suggested Element