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Heretto CCMS 22.25

If you've been waiting for some improvements and enhancements related to simultaneous map editing, paste conref mechanism, simple lists, footnotes, peer links, and more, you should definitely take a closer look at the Heretto CCMS 22.25 release!

Release Date

General Availability - September 2, 2022

Content Editor

Lots of work went into our Content Editor. Enjoy! 🙌


  • We fixed an issue that prevented two users from simultaneously editing a map in Content Editor. When collaborators worked on one map and one of them edited map element properties, for example, the keys attribute or a conditional processing attribute, like audience or otherprops, the map would become unavailable for editing for the other collaborator. This would happen only when editing map properties in Content Editor because collaboration is not possible when at least one user works in Source Editor. Now, even when one collaborator edits map properties in Content Editor, the other can continue editing the map.

    Figure 1. Map Element Properties
    Map element properties
  • We fixed an issue that affected our Paste Conref mechanism. That mechanism enables you to reuse an element by copying and pasting it as conref (content reference). It is a very convenient reuse option that works even when you need to copy and paste between browser windows or tabs. The only condition for that to work is: the element that you copy must have an ID attribute defined because the system needs an identifier to work with.

    Anyway, the issue that we fixed occurred only if you copied an element through the element breadcrumb in the footer and pasted it as conref. As a result, the conreffed element would show as an invalid structure. We are happy to report that we eliminated that issue and it exists no more! 🧙🏻

    Figure 2. Pasting an element as conref is super handy
    You can copy an element that has the ID attribute defined and paste it as conref
  • If you have strict content rules enabled, you may have bumped into a small issue when trying to add text in a Simple List Item element in our Content Editor. You could add the element itself, just not fill it in. We quickly addressed the issue and now, whether you have strict content rules enabled or not, you can go ahead and add as many Simple List Items as your ❤️ desires.

    Figure 3. Adding and Filling in a Simple List Item
    Add and edit a simple list element
  • This is not the end of improvements related to Simple List Item element! Before, you had to add each Simple List Item by using the quick insert menu, or by adding it directly in the source code. From now on, you can simply add any subsequent Simple List Items by using the Return Keystroke (Enter), same as you would with a regular List Item or a new paragraph.

  • Some of you noticed that when a footnote and its anchor didn't fit together on the screen, you were taken to the anchor whenever trying to edit the footnote itself. Naturally, this made it a bit hard to edit the footnote. Rest assured, we quickly corrected this behavior. Now, whenever you want to edit the footnote it will remain in focus.

    Figure 4. Adding and Editing a Footnote Element
    add and edit a footnote


  • We added a brand new Insert Link option, A URL (Peer Link), that makes it much easier to add peer links. As defined in the DITA specification, a peer link is a cross-reference (xref) that has the scope attribute set to peer. When you insert a peer link in Heretto, that attribute is automatically set for you so you don't need to worry about it.

    We also updated our documentation to provide information about peer links. To find it, search for inline links or peer links in this portal.

    Figure 5. Inserting a Peer Link is Easy
    Inserting a peer link is very simple

Content Library

We have one rather small but important improvement for you 😊.


  • We modified the behavior of drop-downs in the Overview tab so that the ones that are located at the bottom of the Overview tab now expand up instead of down. As a result, it's much easier to review and select options in those drop-downs ✌.

    Figure 6. Lower Drop-downs Now Expand Up
    Lower level drop-downs expand up which makes it much easier to work with values in those drop-downs

Review Interface

Here, honestly, we just want to remind you how awesome our Review interface has become 🥰.


  • This is likely no news to you because we've been working on expanding the Suggesting mode options for a while but we still would like to share this update 😁. When we launched the Suggesting mode, Reviewers were not able to suggest that an element, for example, a short description element, be removed. Today, Reviewers can do it in two ways:

    • By placing their cursor in an element, clicking the element breadcrumb in the footer, and selecting Remove

    • Or, if they like working with tags turned on, by right-clicking a tag and selecting Remove there 🥳

      Figure 7. You Can Suggest to Remove Content
      In the Suggesting mode, you can suggest to remove content