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Heretto CCMS 23.4

Heretto CCMS 23.4 is here! Read about what's changed in the system!

This publication is final and covers releases:

  • 23.4.11

  • 23.4.26

Heretto CCMS 23.4.11

In release 23.4.11, we focused on the Content Library and Content Editor. We also added enhancements and fixes to Branching, Publishing, Reports, and Localization. 🙌



  • We added Modified time columns to DITA-OT scenarios and Toolkits sections in the DITA-OT Cloud interface. Now, when you modify a DITA-OT Cloud scenario or toolkit, modification time is updated to reflect the date and time of the change.


    Initially, the Modified time column will be empty. That's expected. It'll get populated as you modify scenarios and toolkits.

    Figure 1. Modified time columns in DITA-OT Cloud
    Modified time columns in DITA-OT Cloud


Content Library

  • When you rename files, spaces in your file names are now automatically converted to underscores (_).

Inbox interface

  • We improved the behavior of the Archive button in the Inbox interface. Now, once you archive a notification and switch to the Archived folder, the Archive button is green and its label is Unarchive.

    Figure 2. Green Unarchive button in the Archived folder
    Green Unarchive button in the Archived folder


  • We enhanced the Invalid Keyrefs Report to also include invalid content key references (conkeyref). Here is what's changed:

    • We renamed the report to Invalid Keyrefs and Conkeyrefs Report and updated its description.

    • When you run the report, any invalid key references (keyref) and content key references (conkeyref) are listed in separate sections, with links to files that need attention.

    • If a publication (map) contains no broken keyrefs or conkeyrefs, the report provides a message stating so.

    • If a publication contains resource-only resources, for example, a map with variables, that contain unresolved keyrefs or conkeyrefs, they are also listed in the report.



  • When branch-merging a file with an HTML comment (<!-- -->) into an existing branch that contained that file, the HTML comment wouldn't be merged and would be missing on the target branch. We addressed that behavior and now HTML comments are merged into and present on an existing branch they are merged into. Note that this behavior was not present when you branch-merged a file with an HTML comment into a new branch.

Content Editor

  • The code phrase element (codeph) now uses the same font as the code block element (codeblock) in the Content Editor, Lucida Console.

  • When you right-click an element in the map tree of the Content Editor, you will now see a Show file in Content Library option that was previously named Show file in Content Manager. The Show file in Content Library option provides an easy way of navigating to a file in the Content Library. Once clicked, it opens the Content Library and highlights the selected file.

    Figure 3. Map tree context menu
    Layer 1

Content Library

  • We fixed an intermittent issue in the Content Library. When you copied a share URL of a file then pasted it in a browser tab or window, sometimes you were taken to the right location and the file was highlighted but to see it, you needed to scroll up or down. That would happen only in folders that contained large numbers of files. We addressed that behavior and now when the file location opens, you immediately see the highlighted file.

  • When you open an image, you can now close it to return to the Content Library. It's a fix to a short-lived issue where the close button didn't close the image.

    Figure 4. Opening and closing an image in the Content Library
    Opening and closing an image in the Content Library


  • When you modify a source file that has locales (target languages) in Heretto CCMS, the status of locales correctly changes to Out of date. You can manually mark those locales as current by using the Mark Current option. Normally, the status would change immediately but recently it did not. We addressed that behavior and now once you click Mark Current for a locale, its status immediately changes to Current.

    Figure 5. Marking an out-of-date locale current
    Marking an out-of-date locale current
  • There was a miscommunication between Heretto CCMS and XTM.

    When you start an XTM project in Heretto CCMS by clicking Start Project in XTM, XTM starts an analysis of the project and informs Heretto CCMS about that. Previously, Heretto CCMS would immediately report that the project was started in XTM. While that was true for smaller localization projects, large projects, which require longer analysis, were still being analyzed by XTM but Heretto CCMS showed the job as already in-progress.

    Now, Heretto CCMS keeps asking XTM about the status of the project until XTM reports that the project was started. Only then does Heretto CCMS inform you that the project is in progress.


  • When publishing multiple locales (target languages) in one publishing job with PDF Generator, the correct translation of the map title appears in the page header.


    Default PDF Generator scenarios are not configured to include the map title in the page header.

Heretto CCMS 23.4.26

In this release, we focused mainly on the Content Editor and Localization.


Content Editor

  • We added styling to make the menu cascade element tags visible in the Content Editor. 🤩

    Figure 6. Visible menu cascade element tags
    Screenshot showing the menu cascade element tags


Content Editor

  • We added validation to the Content Editor that warns you about an invalid structure where a mapref element links to a topic instead of a map. For example: <mapref href="hello_world.dita"/>. Now, when you have that structure in your map, the Content Editor highlights the invalid structure in the map tree. 💪🏼

    Figure 7. A map reference (mapref) that links a topic is highlighted red in the map tree
    A map reference (mapref) that links a topic is highlighted red in the map tree
  • We improved a behavior where the Content Editor would “jump” to a different location in your publication after you switched your tags view, for example, from Tags Off to Full Tags. Previously, the Content Editor would jump to a different topic. Now the cursor stays within the same file and moves only slightly, which is expected, especially when you switch from Tags Off to Full Tags with Attributes. We will continue improving this behavior to make it even smoother in the future. 👌

    Figure 8. You can easily switch between tags views from the Content Editor toolbar
    You can easily switch between tags view from the Content Editor toolbar



  • We fixed a small but important edge case that happened only when you used our XTM Integration to localize topics that had no actual content in the topic title element. An example of a topic like that is one where a content key reference (conkeyref) serves as a reusable title. As a result, after fetching such a topic in Heretto CCMS, it would be imported to Heretto CCMS with an incorrect Unavailable status even though the translation was imported correctly. The status would change to Current only after a successful publication with PDF Generator. Note that this happened when localizing content from a release. Now, when you fetch such a topic from XTM, it's imported with the correct Current status. 💯


  • The PDF Generator can publish single topics as PDFs again. You can also preview single topics as a PDF from the Content Editor. 📃👀