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Heretto CCMS 22.28

Release 22.28 kept us busy. Both our Content Editor and Localization module got a lot of attention and love. But we didn't stop there. We also addressed some outstanding areas in the Assignments interface, Content Library, and PDF Generator. 🤩

Release Date

General Availability - October 15, 2022


We addressed an issue in the Assignments interface related to context maps. 🗺️


  • When you create an assignment for a map, that map should be automatically set as your context map. We said should be because it was brought to our attention that when you navigated between different maps and then created an assignment for one of them, the context map would be set to one of the maps you navigated to earlier. The temporary solution was to manually switch the context map in the assignment. That is no longer required though, because now the map that you add to an assignment is automatically and consistently set as the context map. 🤗

    Figure 1. Map you add to an assignment is consistently set as the context map
    The map that you add to an assignment is consistently and automatically set as the context map

Content Editor

Our focus in Content Editor was on working with content references (conref). We also snuck in an improvement for horizontal table headers.


  • Two heads are better than one and likewise, it's sometimes better to have two (or even more!) header rows in a table. Until now, you may have encountered minor issues when trying to merge cells in a table header that had more than one row. Good news though - we fixed that and now you can merge multiple header rows any way you want! 🎉

    Figure 2. You can merge header rows
    You can merge header rows
  • When adding a content reference (conref) to a step, you would get a validation error saying that a required command element (cmd) was missing. It happened only if you copied a step from breadcrumbs in the Content Editor footer and pasted it as a conref. We fixed that and now Content Editor no longer complains about a missing command element. 💪

    Remember: The element that you copy to then paste as conref must have an ID attribute defined because the system needs an identifier to work with. When an element that you copy doesn't have an ID attribute defined, you are not presented with the two paste options: Paste and Conref and your element is simply pasted.
    Figure 3. Pasting a step as conref causes no validation issues
    Pasting a step as a conref returns no validation errors
  • We also improved pasting definition list elements (dl) as a conref. If you did that, you'd see a validation error in Content Editor. That is no longer the case! 😎

    Figure 4. You can paste a definition list as a conref
    Pasting a definition list as conref no longer causes validation errors


  • Adding content references (conref) to sections in empty topics is now easier. Previously, to conref a section in an empty topic, you would first need to add an empty section element. Now, you don't need to do that because we made our Content Editor smarter! 🤓

    Note: By an empty topic, we mean a topic with an empty body element. If your topic doesn't contain a body element, which is a required parent element for sections (and other elements), you won't be able to conref a section in that topic.
    Figure 5. You can easily conref a section into an empty topic body
    Conreffing a section into an empty body in a topic is easy

Content Library

Two fixes here! The first one is helpful for virtually anyone. You'll likely appreciate the other one if you work with custom map templates.


  • Locating topics linked in the map you currently have open is back and easy as ever. You may have noticed that for some time link indicators (highlighted in the screenshot) did not turn green for topics that were part of the map you were working on. This has been fixed. Enjoy! 🍰

    Figure 6. Link indicator turns green for topics that are part of the currently edited map
    Linked topics are indicated by green highlighting
  • If you use custom map templates that create a map with some topics, you may have run into an issue where when you create two maps from the same template in one folder, the second map you created came without its own topics and linked to topics in the first map instead. Because that wasn't ideal, we changed the behavior and now when you create multiple maps from the same template in one folder, each of them comes with its own set of topics and links to them as expected.

    If you are unfamiliar with the idea of custom map and topic templates in Heretto CCMS - we don't mean DITA specialization, you can read about it at Content Templates.


We prepared a number of fixes for our Localization module.


  • Do you use bookmaps and localize content? If yes, you should know about this fix.

    When you went to a locale of a bookmap (localized version of a bookmap), in the Cache Mode, it would open as a view-only resource and the localized bookmap title would be displayed. As a result, you weren't able to edit it, if needed. We fixed that and now when you open a localized version of a bookmap, you can see its XML structure that you can edit. 🙌 Oh, also, the Translation Memory Mode was not affected by this issue, just Cache.

    Figure 7. Bookmap locales are editable again in the Cache Mode
    Bookmap Locales Are Editable Again in the Cache Mode
  • When you edited a locale of a map in the Locales tab, after you saved your changes the required map class attribute was removed. An example of a map class attribute is: class="- map/map". We fixed that issue, so now when you edit a locale of a map, it preserves the class information.

  • We fixed an issue that prevented you from uploading a new locale of a graphic from the Locales tab. If you went to the Locales tab of a graphic, clicked Upload Locale and proceeded as prompted, the system would behave as if the upload was successful but in fact your graphic would not be uploaded. We corrected this behavior and now when you upload a locale of a graphic, it's uploaded as expected. 🥳

    Figure 8. You can upload the locale of a file in the Locales tab
    You Can Upload the Locale of a File in the Locales tab


Link text in related-links now publishes correctly in PDF Generator output.


  • If you use the related-links element (related-links) and publish with PDF Generator, you'll be pleased to learn that we fixed an issue that caused links to other topics publish with the topic ID value instead of the topic title as the link text. It's now fixed so when you link to a topic in related-links and do not specify custom link text, the title of your topic is used as link text. 🙌