Variable Warehouse Topics
Variable warehouse topics contain variable content that you can reuse through the @conkeyref
Number of Variables Warehouse Topics
Depending on the size of your documentation set and the amount of the variables that you use in it, you can either create a single variable warehouse topic or multiple variable warehouse topics.
Global Variables Strategy
You can include variable warehouse topics in a shared map so that they are available in every deliverable map that you create in Heretto CCMS. For more information, see Shared Maps.
Context-Specific Variables Strategy
Using context-specific variables enables you to reuse more topics.
Keep the following guidelines in mind when working with variable warehouse topics:
- Keep the variable warehouse topics in a dedicated folder in the content library. For example, keep them in the _shared folder.
- Assign meaningful and consistent IDs to the variables. This way, each author will be able to
easily search for and Content Editor.
For example, you can assign the following IDs: product_a_name, company_name, or admin_interface.