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Etto, the Heretto Copilot

Etto, the Heretto Copilot Overview

Etto, the Heretto Copilot, is a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool built for Heretto CCMS. The goal of Etto is to help you create quality structured content in the DITA XML standard, boost productivity by assisting with time-consuming tasks, and improve overall content consistency.
Content generated by Etto strives to adhere to the latest Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) standard.

AI can make mistakes and content created by generative AI may not be factually correct. We recommend to always have a human review the AI-generated content to ensure correctness.

Etto is available in two tiers: Etto Standard and Etto Premium.

Etto Standard

Complimentary feature. Included in all current Heretto CCMS licenses and available to all eligible* Heretto customers. Includes all default Etto capabilities. Has a token limit of 600,000 input tokens** and 150,000 output tokens** per customer per month.

Etto Premium

Available for purchase to any eligible* customer. Includes all default Etto capabilities, 600,000 input tokens** and 150,000 output tokens** per user per month, the ability to configure custom rules, as well as additional future capabilities.


Before Etto is enabled, customers must coordinate with Heretto to confirm eligibility* and schedule required system upgrades.

*Eligibility criteria include pricing, service agreement, CCMS version, and software upgrade schedule. Eligibility criteria are not related to the CCMS license type. For details, contact a Heretto representative.

**You can think of tokens as chunks of words. When Etto processes content, it breaks it up into a number of smaller tokens that it uses to process the request and prepare a response. Input tokens are all tokens that are sent to the AI API for processing, which includes prompts, the content Etto analyzes to provide a response, as well as custom rules (Etto Premium). Output tokens are all tokens the API sends back to the user in the form of an Etto response.

Etto Facts and Recommendations

Discover who can use Etto, the Heretto Copilot, understand how to interact with Etto, as well as the measures ensuring your data security.

Who can use Etto
  • Currently, Etto is available to users with the Administrator, Author, and Editor/Manager roles in Heretto CCMS.

  • Etto is not available to users with the Reviewer role. This is true for both default and custom Reviewer roles.

Prompting Etto
  • To rewrite a specific portion of content, we recommend selecting it, then providing Etto with a prompt. For example, before you give Etto a task, select the content, like a paragraph, that you want Etto to modify. Etto will mark the existing content to be replaced and suggest an updated version.

  • To keep the existing content in the document, we suggest copying and pasting the existing content into the Etto window along with the prompt. Etto will suggest a change but leave the existing content intact.

  • Every time you open Etto, a new conversation session starts. Every conversation is a separate session. Etto does not store any data between sessions. This enables Etto to provide faster answers by using fewer resources.

  • Because of the nature of Large Language Models (LLM), using the exact same prompt multiple times might result in slightly different outputs.

Etto activity
  • You don't receive notifications about suggestions added by Etto (expected behavior)

  • Etto activity is not logged in the Activity interface but your responses to its suggestions are.

Information security
  • Etto runs entirely within the Heretto CCMS infrastructure.

  • Heretto does not use customer data to train Etto.

  • Customer data is not stored in any of the Etto Artificial Intelligence (AI) models or databases.

  • Conversational information exchanged with Etto never leaves the Heretto CCMS infrastructure.

  • Every conversation is a separate session. Etto does not store any data between sessions.

Etto Capabilities

Etto, the Heretto Copilot can help you create high-quality structured content by answering questions, providing best practices, as well as creating, revising, and restructuring content. Read some examples of how Etto can be of assistance.

Proofreading a Document Based on Custom Rules (Etto Premium only)

With Etto Premium, you can specify custom writing rules that Etto follows when responding to prompts. That makes Etto a better companion for Authors or even a great Editor. Etto can help you with:

  • Proofreading an entire document to ensure it follows all custom rules.

  • Proofreading a selected portion of a document to ensure it follows all custom rules.

Analyzing and Improving a Document

Etto can save you time when improving existing content. Etto can help you with:

  • Analyzing an entire topic and making multiple changes in one operation. For example, Etto can analyze a topic and suggest changes to improve grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and style, as well as correct facts, inconsistencies, content structure, and more.

  • Modifying content on a granular level. Etto can find and remove or replace instances of a word or snippet of text in a topic. For example, it can replace all instances of the following with this or remove a portion of a sentence.

  • Making factually correct draft content sound better in English. This is especially handy when you feel like your writing could use some polishing.

  • Making a piece of content more concise.

  • Splitting chunks of content into smaller, structured pieces. For example, a paragraph into an unordered or definition list.

  • Rewriting passive voice into active voice.

  • Rewriting titles based on content present in the topic.

  • Checking for DITA validation errors and fixing some validation errors.

Restructuring Content

Etto can also help you move from unstructured to structured content, including:

  • Converting unstructured content to structured DITA XML.

  • Converting content from one structure to another. For example, Etto can turn a list into a table or a table into a definition list or an ordered list into steps.

  • Wrapping content with DITA elements. For example, Etto can find all instances of paragraphs that start with “Note:” and replace them with the note element.

Creating Content

Etto can assist you when creating content in multiple ways, including:

  • Writing release notes based on the contents of a ticket. For example, you can paste the contents of a Jira ticket into Etto and ask it to write a release note based on it.

  • Writing and updating short descriptions, titles, and other content by analyzing existing content.

  • Writing generic, reusable content, such as notes and warnings.​

  • Creating definitions of commonly known concepts. Etto has extensive knowledge which enables it to create terms and definitions effectively.

  • Creating standard DITA structures such as tables, lists, and sections. You can specify the size and other attributes of these structures.

Performing Complex Table Operations

Apart from creating new tables, Etto can also perform all kinds of operations on existing tables, including:

  • Adding, moving, and removing rows and columns in a table

  • Splitting and merging cells in a table

  • Adding table headers

  • Bolding rows

  • Setting column width

  • Ordering rows alphabetically

Enriching Content with Semantics and Metadata

Etto can identify pieces of content and wrap it with DITA elements as instructed. It can also apply metadata to DITA elements for you. For example, Etto can help you by:

  • Wrapping pieces of content in semantic DITA elements like uicontrol, menucascade, note, codeblock, or codeph.

  • Adding attributes to DITA elements. For example, adding values to the audience or product attribute for DITAVAL filtering.

  • Specifying elements properties. For example, setting the note type attribute to warning.

  • Adding metadata, like keywords, to the topic prolog element based on the content in that topic.

Providing Guidance

Etto is trained in the DITA standard. It also knows a lot about the world. This means it can help you in areas like:

  • Building a specific structure in DITA or using a specific DITA element

  • Answering questions about DITA elements

  • Providing information about common concepts

Etto Limitations

These are the current known limitations of Etto. Please bear in mind that Etto learns every day to better assist you in your everyday tasks.

  • Etto works within the context of one DITA topic at a time. It cannot see or modify the content of other topics or work across multiple files in the CCMS.

  • Etto cannot link to other resources in the CCMS.

  • Etto cannot create new files. However, it can create new subtopics within your current working topic that you can then manually move into a new topic.

  • Etto can turn descriptive text into DITA tasks but places the task structure in your current working topic. You can then manually move the task structure to a new task topic.

  • Etto cannot convert large unstructured amounts of content into a structured DITA topic but it can convert smaller pieces of unstructured content or improve structure within a topic.

  • Etto can translate content but this capability is considered experimental and untested. Use caution when using content translated by Etto and work with a Localization Services Provider (LSP) to ensure content is localized properly.

  • Etto understands languages other than English, but this capability is considered experimental and untested. Use caution when requesting assistance in languages other than English, as the results may vary.

  • Etto has not been tested on specialized DITA content types. It currently doesn't know about specialized content rules or DTDs.

  • Etto is not fully supported in the Edit Content window where you can work on reusable content. is not fully supported. We recommend opening the reused content in the Content Editor.

  • Etto is not supported in the locales interface where you can edit localized content directly in the CCMS.

Custom Etto Rules

Custom rules enable you to set custom rules in Heretto CCMS. These rules guide responses provided by Etto, the Heretto Copilot. Custom rules are only available with Etto Premium.

With Etto Premium, users assigned the Administrator role in the CCMS can add custom rules for the copilot. The rules are set for all users who work with Etto. Etto follows them whenever it responds to a prompt.

Custom rules are added in the Etto Admin interface available in the Administration interface. Custom rules are sent to API every time a user sends a prompt to Etto. This means that custom rules count towards the Etto token limit. To minimize impact, the custom rule input field is limited to 1,500 characters.

Add Custom Etto Rules

Users assigned the Administrator role in Heretto CCMS can add custom rules for Etto, the Heretto Copilot. Etto follows these rules every time it provides a response. Custom rules are only available with Etto Premium.
  1. In the top-left corner, click the Main Menu and go to Etto Admin.
  2. In the Customized Etto Configuration field, add custom rules for Etto. Click Save.

    Custom rules count towards the Etto token limit. To minimize impact, the custom rule input is limited to 1,500 characters.

You added custom rules that Etto will follow in every response. The rules you set are not visible anywhere outside the Administration interface. We recommend documenting them internally as a reference for authors and contributors on your team.

Author with Etto

You interact with Etto, the Heretto Copilot by giving it commands (or prompts). Once it responds, you are presented with options to accept, reject, or revise the response.

  1. In the Content Library, open a topic or map that you want to edit.

    When you work with Etto in a map, it focuses only on your current working topic in that map.

  2. In the Content Editor, click Launch Etto Etto icon on the left side of the document or press the Shift key twice.

    The Etto window opens.

  3. If you want Etto to modify existing content, indicate which content in your topic Etto should work on.
    • If you want Etto to work on the entire topic, specify it in your prompt. For example, ask Etto to analyze the topic or find areas to improve in the topic.

    • If you want Etto to work on a specific part of the topic, select it in the Content Editor and refer to the selection in the prompt. For example, to ask Etto to analyze a couple of paragraphs, select them and in the prompt ask Etto to work on the selection.

    • If you want Etto to work on a single element, place your cursor in that element. For example, to ask Etto to rewrite a specific note, place your cursor in that note and ask Etto to work on it.

  4. Give Etto a command using natural language, as if talking to a human. You can:
    • Enter a prompt in the Enter a message field. Press Enter or click the send button send button.
    • Click the voice command button microphone icon and say your prompt to the microphone. Press Enter or click the send button send button.

    • Select one of the predefined prompts.

    Etto adds its answer to the document as a suggestion.

    Figure 1. A suggestion added by Etto
    suggestion added by Etto

    You do not receive notifications about suggestions added by Etto (expected behavior).

    Etto activity is not logged in the Activity interface but your responses to its suggestions are. We are evaluating how to best log Etto and Etto-related activity in the Activity interface.

  5. Respond to the suggestion generated by Etto. You can:
    • Click Accept. This accepts the suggested changes and closes the Etto window.

    • Click Reject. This removes the suggested changes and keeps the Etto window open.

    • Click Revise. This removes the suggested changes but keeps the previous prompt in the Enter a message field so you can iterate on it.

    • Continue working with Etto. Give Etto another command to continue improving the suggestion and get better results.

When you accept suggestions added by Etto, all content created by Etto is added to the document. If you close the Etto window without accepting the suggestions, the suggestions stay in the document as suggested changes.

Every time you open Etto, a new conversation session starts. Every conversation is a separate session. Etto does not store any data between sessions. This enables Etto to provide faster answers by using fewer resources.

Examples of Etto Usage

These are some examples of common Etto, the Heretto Copilot uses provided as real-time video recordings of how Etto was prompted and the outputs it produced.


Because of the nature of Large Language Models (LLM), using the exact same prompt multiple times might result in slightly different outputs.

Proofreading a Document Based on Custom Rules

With Etto Premium, you can add custom rules that Etto follows whenever it responds to a prompt. With those rules in place, you can ask Etto to correct your entire topic or its selected portion. Etto lists areas that violate the rules, then corrects the content.


In some videos, the user gives their command to Etto by typing it in and in others by using the voice command. Videos with voice commands are highlighted as such.

Custom rules Etto follows in these examples:

  • Keep short descriptions to one sentence. If in a task, begin short description with "Learn how to" and if in a topic or concept with "Learn about".

  • Wrap all UI references with <uicontrol> with no quotes inside.

  • Ensure all tables have headers.

  • Use "select" instead of "click", "enter" instead of "fill in" or "fill out", "and" instead of &.

  • Use simple English.

Prompt: Improve my document.

Prompt (voice command): Based on our style rules, analyze my document for any grammatical issues and make updates to correct them.

Prompt (voice command): Based on our company style guide, is there anything that should be updated in my document?

Analyzing and Improving a Document

Etto can analyze and enhance document structure and content, tackle data inconsistencies, and update unit costs and total revenue sales.

Prompt (voice command): Can you analyze my entire document and make any updates to improve its structure or content?

Prompt (voice command): Can you analyze my document for any inconsistencies in data and apply updates to fix them?

Prompt (voice command): Unit cost has gone up by 75% in the West and East regions. Can you update the affected unit cost and total revenue sales in the table?

Restructuring Content

Etto can assist in restructuring content, moving elements in a topic, converting lists into tables, sections into tasks, and much more.

Prompt (voice command): Can you convert this list of ingredients into a table with a column for the ingredient, a column for the measurement, and a column for notes?

Prompt (voice command): Can you convert my selection to a new task?

Prompts (voice commands):

  • Can you create a table with the definitions for the seven layers in the IT infrastructure?

  • Can you convert this table to just a regular list?

  • Can you convert this list to a definition list?

  • Can you convert definition list to a table that has two columns, one for the term and one for the definition? And then also add a notes column.

Creating Content

Etto can assist you when creating content.

Prompt: Analyze this jira and write a release note: Jira contents


In this example, Etto follows a custom rule for release notes that says: Release notes: One release note is one list item. Start with "Added.", "Fixed.", "Enhanced.", or "Removed.". Structure: <li><p>Enhanced. We addressed a behavior (...).</p></li>.

The Jira tickets were copied by highlighting all the content from the title to the last comment then pasted into Etto prompt. For security reasons, we removed all sensitive data from the tickets.

Prompts (voice commands):

  • Can you create a short description, please?

  • That's great but can you make it more verbose?

  • Nice job but that was a little too verbose. Can you make it more concise?

Prompts (voice commands):

  • Please keep writing

  • Can you make my content more readable?

Performing Complex Table Operations

Etto can help you create and modify complex tables.

Prompt (voice command): Please create a 3x3 table with the column headers being species, sightings, and notes. Merge all the cells in the last row and make sure that the first column is 300 pixels wide.

Prompt (voice command): Move chip beta row after chip alpha row and fix the temperature tolerance formatting.

Prompts (voice commands):

  • Can you remove the first and the fourth rows from the table?

  • Can you move the first and the third rows in the table to the end of the table?

Enriching Content with Semantics and Metadata

Etto can save you time by wrapping text with DITA elements and by adding attribute values and metadata to your topic.

Prompt (voice command): Can you analyze my document and add ui controls to any text that requires it? And if that text has quotes, remove the quotes.

Prompt (voice command): Beta and gamma chips are only available in the EU. Can you put an EU audience on any table row mentioning these chips?

Prompt (voice command): Add internal audience to all notes, please.