Gretyl's Portal

Heretto Help

Navigate Reused Elements

You can check content reference dependencies by using the Content Editor.

  1. To check where an element is reused, do the following:
    1. Open a warehouse topic.
      Tip: In the Content Editor, the Reuse button indicates that a given element is reused in other topics. The number that corresponds to the Reuse button indicates how many times the element is reused.
      A screenshot of the editor showing a note with the text "This is a reused note," and the reuse button showing the note element has been reused once.
    2. Click the Reuse button.
      A list of files that reuse the element appear.
    3. Open a topic that reuses the element by clicking the file title.
      The topic opens in a new tab.
  2. To check from which warehouse topic the element is reused, do the following:
    1. Open a topic that reuses elements from warehouse topics.
      Tip: In the Content Editor, the gray background around an element indicates that a given element is reused.
    2. Click the reused element.
      The Content reference toolbar appears.
    3. In the Content reference toolbar, click Open.
      The topic opens in a new tab.