Gretyl's Portal

Heretto Help

Collection-Type Attribute

Use a collection-type attribute to define the type of hierarchical relationship parent and children topics have to one another and to determine the way content and related links display when published. The collection-type attribute can be applied to topics or submaps in a map to control the linking behavior between child topics and how the structure of the output displays.
Links generate from parents to children and from children to parents.
Links generate from parents to children, from children to parents, and from sibling to sibling. Parent topic shows on a different page than children topics.
Links generate from parents to children and from sibling to sibling in sequential order. Parent topic shows on a different page than children topics.
Links generate from parents to children and from children to parents, but where one child topic is selected to proceed.

Unordered Collection Type

If you're documenting unrelated items that don't follow a specific order, use an unordered collection type. For example, each topic is about a different aspect of a software that is unrelated to the others. In this map, Classic Software is the parent topic and the other topics are children of Classic Software:

example map structure with a parent topic and a few child topics

When published the parent topic contains links to each of the children topics:

example PDF output of a map with a parent topic and a few child topics

Each of the children contains a link to the parent topic, but not to one another:

automatically-generated link added with the collection-type attribute set to "unordered"

Family Collection Type

In a family collection type, all items are related to one another. For example, you have a map discussing troubleshooting strategies for a printer. In this map, Printer Troubleshooting is the parent topic and each of the strategies are children of that parent topic:

example map structure with a parent topic and a few child topics

When published, the parent topic contains links to each of the children topics:

Automatically-generated links in a parent topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "family"

Each of the children topics contains links to the parent topic and all related topics:

automatically-generated links in a child topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "family"

Sequence Collection Type

A sequence collection type is good for information that must be presented in a specific order. For example, you have a series of software installation tasks that need to be completed in order. In this map, Classic Software is the parent topic and each of the procedure topics are children of that parent topic:

example map structure with a parent topic and a few child topics

When published, the parent topic contains numbered links to each of the children topics:

automatically-generated links in a parent topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "sequence"

Each of the children topics contains links to the parent topic and to the previous and next topics in sequence:

automatically-generated links in a child topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "sequence"

Choice Collection Type

A choice collection type is good for information that requires you to choose from two or more options. For example, you are creating a new file in Classic Software and have the option to choose from a blank file, default template, or uploaded template. In this map, Creating a New File is the parent topic and each of the options for creating a file are children of that parent topic:

example map structure with a parent topic and a few child topics

When published, the parent map contains links to each of the children topics:

automatically-generated links in a parent topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "choice"

Each of the children topics contains links to the parent topic, but not to one another:

automatically-generated links in a child topic added with the collection-type attribute set to "sequence"