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File Metadata

Apply metadata to classify and organize your content in the content library beyond simple folders.

Metadata adds another layer of organization and classification to your content, making it easier to find and analyze your content.

Metadata tags are a classifications that need to be created and manually assigned to files. This means that there is some upfront and maintenance effort required to create, assign, and manage the metadata. But because you can create your own metadata, you can create a classification and organization system that really fits your content set.

Note: Only Administrators can create and manage metadata. Any user can assign metadata to files or filter the content library with metadata.

Metadata Overview

Metadata enables you to organize and classify your content beyond just folder structures. It is useful if you want to filter or analyze your content.

Metadata Types

Taxonomy Metadata
Enforces users to assign only the metadata values defined in a related taxonomy.
Label Metadata
Enables users to assign any metadata value. Labels already used for other files are remembered and suggested.
Text Metadata
Users can create any metadata value. No values are suggested as the user types.
Date Metadata
A date picker is provided to choose a calendar date.

Taxonomy Metadata

Taxonomy metadata values are defined by taxonomy terms.


To use your taxonomy as metadata, you need to connect an existing taxonomy with a metadata category.

Figure 1. Taxonomy Metadata Configuration.

The following example from the Metadata interface shows metadata items associated with taxonomies (values fields).

Taxonomy metadata configuration

You can apply configured taxonomy metadata to DITA and non-DITA files in the content library.

You can filter items marked with taxonomy metadata in the content library.

Figure 2. Filtering Content with Taxonomy Metadata.

You filter items marked with taxonomy metadata by using the Filters pane.

Filtering with taxonomy metadata


Keep the following guidelines in mind when composing taxonomy metadata:

  • You can use the Bulk Change option to apply metadata to multiple files and their dependencies in the content library.
  • Apply any new metadata to the existing content in the content library, as necessary.
  • Ensure that authors use taxonomy metadata to mark content by enforcing one of the following strategies:
    At Creation
    Every time an Author creates a new topic or map, they assign metadata in the Create new window. Authors may sometimes go back and add additional metadata if they think another term should be applied or modified.
    At Approval
    Editors or Managers assign metadata to an entire map and all of its dependencies when the map is approved, using the Bulk Change option.
    At Creation and Approval
    Every time an Author creates a new topic or map, they assign metadata in the Create new window. Editors or Managers review and modify metadata when the map is approved.
  • Taxonomy metadata ensures that all metadata items used in your organization align with a predetermined classification structure, which is your taxonomy of terms.

Create a Taxonomy

Administrators can create a taxonomy of terms to use when creating Taxonomy Metadata.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Taxonomy.
  2. Click New Taxonomy.
  3. Enter a label for the taxonomy terms.
  4. Click Save to create the new taxonomy.
  5. Click the taxonomy to add taxonomy terms.
  6. Click "Unnamed 1" to modify the taxonomy term.
  7. In the Labels field, enter a new label for the taxonomy term.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To create more taxonomy terms, do any of the following:
    1. To insert a new taxonomy term below the selected term, right-click the term and select Create Term Below. Enter a label for the taxonomy term and click Save.
    2. To insert a child term below the selected term, right-click the term and select Create Narrower Term. Enter a label for the taxonomy term and click Save.
  10. Click Save Changes.

You're ready to connect it to a metadata category. For more information, see Create a Metadata Category for Taxonomy Metadata.

Create a Metadata Category for Taxonomy Metadata

Administrators can create Taxonomy Metadata by linking your taxonomy terms to a metadata category. This is how your taxonomy of terms become metadata tags that can be assigned to files.

You must first have taxonomy configured. For more information, see Create a Taxonomy.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Metadata.
  2. In the Category Name field, enter a name for the category. The metadata category is a grouping for the Taxonomy Metadata.
    Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the list if necessary to add a metadata category.
  3. Click Add Category.

    A metadata category section is added.

  4. Complete the following fields:
    1. In the Labels field, enter a label. This is a label for the metadata category. It displays when applying or filtering metadata.
    2. In the Type drop-down menu, select Taxonomy.
    3. In the Values field, select a taxonomy structure. These are the taxonomy terms you want to connect to your metadata category.
  5. To enable users to select multiple values, check Allow Multiple Selection.
  6. To use the metadata for search filtering in the content library, check Search facet.
  7. To enable the metadata so you can use use it for search filtering and apply it to files, check Enabled.
  8. To exclude this metadata field from some content types, choose those types in the Exclude from Content Type field.
  9. Click Add Field and then Save Changes.

You're ready to apply your taxonomy metadata to your files. For more information, see Assign Taxonomy Metadata to Files.

Assign Taxonomy Metadata to Files

Use the Properties tab in the resource manager to assign Taxonomy Metadata to files.

You must create taxonomy metadata first. For more information, see Create a Taxonomy.

Note: Ensure metadata values exist and that Search facet and Enabled are selected for the metadata. Individual metadata categories may be excluded from selected content types through metadata configuration. Ensure that the value you want to set is included for the intended content type. You can configure your metadata in the Metadata interface of the Dashboard.
  1. In the content library, click a file.
  2. In the right pane, in the Set value field, select the metadata tag from the available options.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Delete a Taxonomy

Administrators can delete taxonomy structures that you no longer need.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Taxonomy.
  2. Click the X button beside the taxonomy you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

Delete a Metadata Category

You must be an Administrator to access the Administration interface in the Dashboard

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Metadata.
  2. Click Delete next to the metadata category you no longer need to open the Delete category window.
  3. Click DELETE and the window closes.
  4. Click Save Changes to apply the deletions of the category.

Label Metadata

Label metadata values are independent from taxonomies. You can enter any value when assigning metadata to files in the content library.


To use label metadata, you need to create a metadata category in the Metadata interface.

Figure 3. Taxonomy Label Configuration
Taxonomy label configuration

You can apply configured label metadata to DITA and non-DITA files in the content library.

Figure 4. Label Metadata Assignment.

You assign metadata in the Properties tab by entering any value.

You can filter items marked with taxonomy metadata in the content library.

Figure 5. Filtering Content with Taxonomy Metadata.

You filter items marked with taxonomy metadata by using the Filters pane.

Taxonomy metadata filtering


Keep the following guidelines in mind when using label metadata:

  • We recommend to use label metadata if your organization does not have composed taxonomies or the existing taxonomies quickly evolve.
  • Incorporate frequently used label metadata items into taxonomies.
  • Third-party systems can use label metadata to integrate with Heretto CCMS.

Create a Metadata Category for Label Metadata

Administrators can create a metadata category to contain your label metadata tags.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Metadata.
  2. In the Category Name field, enter a name for the category. The metadata category is a grouping for the Taxonomy Metadata.
    Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the list if necessary to add a metadata category.
  3. Click Add Category.

    A metadata category section is added.

  4. Complete the following fields:
    1. In the Labels field, enter a label. This is a label for the metadata category. It displays when applying or filtering metadata.
    2. In the Type drop-down menu, select Label.
  5. To use the metadata for search filtering in the content library, check Search facet.
  6. To enable the metadata so you can use use it for search filtering and apply it to files, check Enabled.
  7. Click Add Field and then Save Changes.

You're ready to create metadata tags as needed for this category. For more information, see Create and Assign Label Metadata Tags.

Create and Assign Label Metadata Tags

Assign existing label metadata tags to a file or create new labels.

You must first have a metadata category configured for the label metadata. For more information, see Create a Metadata Category for Label Metadata.

Note: Ensure metadata values exist and that Search facet and Enabled are selected for the metadata. Individual metadata categories may be excluded from selected content types through metadata configuration. Ensure that the value you want to set is included for the intended content type. You can configure your metadata in the Metadata interface of the Dashboard.
  1. In the content library, click a file.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new label, in the Add Labels field, type a new label and press Enter.
    • To use an existing tag, in the Add Labels field, select an existing label.

Taxonomy-Driven Attributes

Use the Taxonomy-Driven Attributes feature apply taxonomy terms as attribute values on DITA elements.

It is useful if you want to profile your content and want to control what values authors can apply.
Note: For more information on managing taxonomies, see Taxonomy Metadata.


  • You can use only one taxonomy per one attribute
  • You can use a single taxonomy for multiple attributes
  • By default, the taxonomy-driven attributes feature is disabled in the Content Editor. If you want to enable the taxonomy-driven attributes feature on your Heretto CCMS instance, contact your Heretto CCMS representative
    Note: Enabling the taxonomy-driven attributes feature on your Heretto CCMS instance disables you from manually entering the attributes in the Content Editor. In other words, you can only assign the attributes specified in taxonomies.

Configure Taxonomy-Driven Attributes

You enable Taxonomy-Driven Attributes by creating a taxonomy in Heretto CCMS and contacting your Customer Success Manager.

  1. Create the taxonomy terms that you want to use as attribute values for the DITA elements. See Create a Taxonomy.
  2. Contact your Heretto CCMS Customer Success Manager to have them bind the taxonomy to the appropriate attribute.
In the Attributes tab of the Content Editor, verify if your Taxonomy-Driven Attributes are present.

Bulk Change Files Metadata

Change the metadata of multiple files at once using a bulk change.

  1. In the content library, select the files, folders, or maps you want to modify.
  2. Right-click a file and select Bulk Change > Metadata.
  3. If you don't want to include the dependencies of a given map, like its child topics and submaps, clear the Include dependencies check box.
    Important: The Include dependencies option only includes the direct dependencies of the map. It does not include the binary files.
  4. If you don't want to change the resource-only files in a map, clear the Include resource-only files check box.
    Tip: For example, the resource-only files are your warehouse topics that have the @processing-role="resource-only" attribute assigned to their <topicref> elements. They are appended in a map but are not included in the output.
  5. If you want to include all map dependencies, including its indirect dependencies and binary files (non-text files like images), select the Include all dependencies check box.
  6. Select the box next to the metadata category you want to modify.
  7. In the Action drop-down menu, select one of the following options:
    Add to existingMetadata tags are added to the selected files.
    Clear fieldAll metadata tags in the selected files are cleared.
    Replace all withAll metadata tags in the selected files are cleared and replaced with the new tags.
    Find and remove theseMetadata tags are removed from the selected files.
  8. In the Metadata drop-down menu, select the metadata to apply the selected action to.
  9. Click Save.