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Heretto CCMS 22.11 Release Notes

Heretto CCMS 22.11 is a new, modernized user interface with boatloads of enhancements! We've also made sure to bundle in some important bug fixes. Be sure to check back as we continue to add more release notes here.

Release Date

General Availability - January 8, 2022


Heretto CCMS 22.11 introduces lots of new user-focused features and enhancements. Examples of these enhancements include:

  • a new localization system that is Chrome compatible and offers side-by-side viewing and editing of localized and source content

  • a new resource drawer that provides quick access to all content management features

  • an integrated dashboard and content library system.

Heretto modernized user interface

For details on all features, refer to the Heretto CCMS User Guide.

Heretto UI


  • To help you properly reuse your variables we've added a context map selector in the single topic editing mode.
    Figure 1. Single topic editor mode and context map selector in upper left of editing area
    Single topic editor mode and context map selector in upper left of editing area
    The Context Map Selector in the map editor mode remains above the map tree.
    Figure 1. Context map selector located above map tree
    Context map selector located above map tree


  • The more the merrier! You can continue to add an unlimited number of new reviewer accounts up to your account’s reviewer limit, if applicable, even when you’ve already used all of your licenses. Now your authors and editors can get the feedback they need.

Content Library


  • We were silly and removed the Location link in the Resource Drawer. What a mistake. We've added it back.

    Figure 3. Location Link
    Location Link
  • Using / or \ in the search bar was breaking the search. No longer. Use those slashes all you'd like.

  • When downloading a folder or release you can download as many as 15k topics! That says a lot because you no longer have to reconsider your workflows.


  • You've annotated an image in your topic editor. Worry not about a broken link icon. You can happily publish your documents with annotated images and all your content will accurately show.

  • Looking for that perfect image? To add or replace a new image, once you've uploaded it the image will be automatically selected in the Select File window. No need to browse your entire list of images. Simply choose Select.
Figure 4. Uploaded image automatically selected in Select File window
Uploaded image automatically selected in Select File window

Topic Editor


  • The message block has a fresh look. When you apply a message block in the topic editor there is a fabulous refashioning in style and text presentation.

Message block styling in topic editor


  • We now fully support specialized tables in our topic editor table tools.You can count on correct structure and no more complications with editing!

  • The result of the local links you created in the Content Editor broke and could not be accessed. We exterminated that bug. Now the local link you create will resolve and let you add context to your content.

Map Editor


  • We make it hard to forget. When you set the element name settings on a map under the gear icon, your preferred choices will be remembered.

    Figure 5. Element name settings on a map under gear icon are remembered
    Element name settings on a map under gear icon are remembered


  • You dragged a new topic into a sub-map in the map editor and a <data> element was inserted. How inappropriate! So we fixed the bug. When you drop a new topic into a submap a <topicref>, <mapref> or other more appropriate element is inserted.



  • Docusaurus publishes in multiple languages are now delivered in separate zip packages, which only makes sense.

  • When you publish content using Cloud DITA-OT you can select the Debug publish check box and the output file will contain your source content in a debug publishing job.

    Figure 6. Select Debug publish to contain source content in debug package
    Debug publish: select for source content in debug package


  • We've added the ability to configure additional parameters for PDF Generator publishing.

    Figure 7. PDF Generator Parameters
    PDF Generator Parameters
  • Docusaurus builds are now handling glossary terms as tooltips in the final output.


  • Docusaurus now correctly builds maps that are using glossary terms as keyrefs.

  • We've squashed a bug that was causing an internal server error message when trying to preview a publish from the publishing scenario configuration interface for the PDF Generator.

    Figure 8. PDF Generator Publish Preview

Checking In

Hi. How is everyone? We know the past couple of years have been tough. We've all been busy. Life has seemed extra chaotic for most of us.

We want you to know that we're with you.

Take care of people, and yourself. Help your colleagues. They'll appreciate it. Ask for help if you need. That's an okay thing to do.

Let's all keep our heads up. There are great things ahead.



  • The "include linked files" check box wasn't selected by default. It is now, and so if you don't want to include dependencies when branching, you'll need to clear that check box.


  • Staying on top in a business is key. When you need to get the job done using the Merge Editor in a small screen space, we fixed the "Merge selected changes" button so it no longer shifts down from the main top bar.

    Figure 9. Merge selected changes button in large screen space
    Merge selected changes button on large screen space
    Figure 10. Merge selected changes button in reduced screen space
    Merge selected changes button on reduced screen space



  • Now that we've added a new configuration for assignments, managing your schedule has never been simpler. In the assignment creation pop-up you can create custom recurring tasks.​

    Figure 11. Indicate an Assignment as Recurring
    Indicate an Assignment as Recurring
  • Whether for a single end-user or a group, we make it easy to create workflows. When you assign steps to a coworker or a circle of team members, no worries. Everyone in the workflow process will be notified.


  • Notify fields in Assignments apparently had gone on vacation. They're back now and excited to work.

    Figure 12. Notify Fields
    Notify Fields
  • Links to assignments weren't routing users to the Assignments UI. Thanks to a great team of developers, they are once again routing correctly.

Activity Interface


  • Activity Logs for Archived or Resolved Comments should not report the person who wrote the comment, but instead the person who archived or resolved the comment. We fixed this bug and you can say farewell to Activity Log inconsistencies!


  • Hard to find? We increased search tab performance when loading large taxonomies. This makes finding what you need easier to find and intuitive to use. We enjoy making your life easier.



  • On the "Locales" tab you can review the various locales present for a file. You also have the ability to upload new Locales. ¡Totalmente impresionante!
    Figure 13. Upload button for Select Locales
    Upload button for Select Locales
  • When you create a source package and you've selected All Resources or Only Changed Resources, that information is provided in the job summary.

    Figure 14. All Resources or Only Changed Resources information in source package job summary
    All Resources or Only Changed Resources information in source package job summary
  • When you create an XLIFF package and you’ve selected the Include Existing Translations check box, that information is provided in the job summary.

    Figure 15. Include Existing Translations information in XLIFF package job summary
    Include Existing Translations information in XLIFF package job summary
  • When you create a media package and you've selected the All Media or Only Changed Media files option, that information is provided in the job summary.

    Figure 16. All Media or Only Changed Media files information in media package job summary
    All Media or Only Changed Media files information in media package job summary


  • Updated locales for binary files, such as images, are reflected correctly in the Locales UI.



  • We've rebranded! Unfortunately, new account emails were still sent from They're now sent from

  • Topichead wrapper elements now include the lang attribute.