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Styling Modules

Style the document elements not related or loosely related with DITA, including the table of contents, headers, and footers.

Table 1. Styling Modules Reference
ModuleDescriptionEnabled by defaultRecommended for screen-readingRecommended for printingRequires
Typography Set typography for specific parts of the document and add basic formatting capabilities.yesyesyesn/a
Table of ContentsStyle the Table of Contents (TOC).yesyesyesn/a
Header Footer Add running headers and footers to the Table of Contents (TOC) and the document body.yesyesyesPage Orientation, Size, Margins
Table of Contents Page NumberingAdd numbering to the footer of the Table of Contents (TOC).yesn/an/aHeader Footer
Header Footer Alternate Add alternating running headers and footers to the Table of Contents (TOC) and the document body.yesyesyesPage Orientation, Size, Margins
Table of Contents Numbering AlternateAdd numbering to the alternating footers of the Table of Contents (TOC).yesnonoHeader Footer Alternate
Chapter NumberingAdd chapter numbering to the Table of Contents (TOC) and the document body.nonoyesn/a
Figure no NumberingRemove the figure numbering.yesyesnon/a
Table no NumberingRemove the table numbering.yesyesnon/a
Image BordersAdd borders to images.yesn/an/an/a
Image ShadowsAdd shadows to images.non/an/an/a
Link Page Number Add page number information after local links.nonoyesn/a
Hide Empty ElementsHide any element that doesn't contain content.yesyesyesn/a
FormattingExtend DITA content formatting capabilities.yesn/an/an/a