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Heretto Help

Publish Content with DITA-OT

The Heretto Connector for DITA-OT enables you to publish content to various formats.

  1. In the Content Library, click a map and in the right pane select Output > Publish.
  2. From the list on the left, select a DITA-OT publishing scenario.
    Publishing scenarios are configured by your CCMS Administrator.
  3. Optional: In the Enter description field, add a meaningful description of the publishing job.
    Once you publish the document, you can see that description in the list of completed publishing jobs.
  4. Set the publishing parameters.
    The publishing scenario can include the following parameters.
    Transformation Type (transtype)
    Also referred to as output type. Required parameter. Enables you to select the output format, for example, PDF or HTML. This parameter may be set to multiple options. In that case, the publishing scenario defaults to the first option on the list. This parameter may also be pre-set and fixed in a publishing scenario.
    DITAVAL (args.filter)
    Optional parameter. Enables you to select a DITAVAL file for conditional processing. This parameter may be pre-set and fixed in a publishing scenario.
    Optional parameter. Enables you to select a locale (target language) when publishing localized content. If your content is not localized, this parameter defaults to the source language.
    Enables you to send webhooks on successful publish or any publish.
    Debug publish
    Generates additional files that are added in the debug folder to the output ZIP file. You can use those files to troubleshoot publishing issues in your publication. This option is only available in DITA-OT and PDF Generator publishing scenarios for those users with Administrator privileges.
    Track changes
    Include or exclude tracked changes (suggestions) from the Content Editor in the output.

    By default, this feature may not be available. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

    For more information about the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) parameters, see

  5. Click Publish.
    The resource publishes in the In progress section. A progress bar provides details about the publishing process.
  6. Download a ZIP file with all publication-related resources by hovering over the publishing job and clicking Download .
    Figure 1. Successfully Completed Publishing Job
    A Successfully Completed Publishing Job