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Heretto Publishing Overview

Heretto CCMS offers several publishing options that enable you to transform content to various formats and deliver it to different endpoints. Some of them, like Heretto PDF Generator or the DITA-OT Cloud integration, are an integral part of the CCMS. Others, like Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API, are separate products.

Most of the publishing options that are an integral part of the CCMS are cloud publishing engines. Cloud publishing engines use cloud computing to publish content in a secure, temporary cloud container. As a result, publishing operations do not affect the performance of the CCMS.

The cloud publishing infrastructure is separate from the CCMS infrastructure. New versions of cloud publishing engines are released separately from CCMS versions and are deployed to customers immediately after they are released.

Heretto Portal and Heretto Deploy API are separate products and are not part of cloud publishing.

Publishing EngineDescriptionOutput Formats/EndpointsKey Features

PDF Generator

(cloud publishing engine)

A fast publishing engine based on the Prince formatter (formerly Prince XML) that enables you to develop publishing templates directly in Heretto CCMS.

This is an integral part of the CCMS.

  • PDF
  • Rapid PDF preview and publishing
  • Interactive template development inside Heretto CCMS
  • Easy templates customization with HTML, CSS, and XSLT (if needed)


(cloud publishing engine)

The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) is a mature open-source DITA publishing engine that enables you to publish content to a large number of output formats.

This is an integral part of the CCMS.

Out of the box:
  • HTML5
  • PDF
  • Markdown
  • Normalized DITA
  • Eclipse Help
  • HTML Help

With third-party plugins:

  • Versatility of output formats
  • Unbound transformation and customization capabilities
  • Compliance with your existing DITA-OT plugins or third-party solutions like Oxygen WebHelp


(deprecated, cloud publishing engine)

Deliver content to a Docusaurus-built site hosted on Netlify or generate a static Docusaurus site that you can preview locally and deploy on your own.

This is an integral part of the CCMS.

  • Deployment to Netlify
  • Static Docusaurus-built site
  • A popular static site framework sponsored by Facebook
  • Extensive customization capabilities
  • Automated delivery to Netlify



Webhooks enable you to send notifications from Heretto CCMS to trigger various actions on external servers. With webhooks, external servers may pull DITA or published data from Heretto CCMS.

This is an integral part of the CCMS.

  • External servers

  • Automated data exchange between systems

  • Data exchange in real time, whenever a relevant event occurs

Heretto Portal

(portal platform)

Instantly render and deliver content to a customizable, modern documentation portal website.

This is a separate product from the CCMS.

For details, see Heretto Portal at a Glance.

  • Dynamic content deployment to your documentation portal
  • Instantaneous content publication
  • Easy customization
  • Modern, responsive, and lightweight documentation portal

Heretto Deploy API

(portal API)

Deliver content stored in your CCMS to any custom app through a headless technology.

This is a separate product from the CCMS.

For details, see Deploy API Introduction.

  • Applications, such as:
    • Vehicle dashboards

    • Industrial or consumer devices

    • Specialized equipment, such as medical equipment

  • Custom websites
  • Chatbots

  • Dynamic content distribution to any audience, anytime

  • Omnichannel content delivery