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Resource Details Drawer

Resource Drawer is a drawer that opens on the right after you click a resource. A resource is any file in the system.

Resource Drawer is context-sensitive which means that it shows different options for different resource types. For example, it shows additional options like the Reports tab or Jobs tab for maps because these options are only available for maps.

Showing the Resource Details Drawer

Resource Drawer consists of two tabs that show a file's details and activity.

resource details drawer image

Details Tab

You can use the Details pane to view the file details and preview the file. You can also use it to quickly access the file's revision history, link dependencies, and properties. The Details pane also shows the following information:

  • File name
  • Location
  • Status
  • Owner
  • Type
  • Links
  • Modified date
  • Created date
  • Metadata
Details tab image

You can also use the drawer to change content status and metadata. Click on a resource in the Content Library to open the Resource Details Drawer.

Activity Tab

You can use the Activity pane to view and filter the recent user actions on the file. The Activity pane of the Resource Drawer is a compact version of the Activity interface in the Main Menu .

activity tab image

Overview Tab

Use the Overview tab in the Resource Drawer to access the file's properties, assign it to a collection, manage the metadata, or access API information.


The Overview tab in the Resource Viewer Pane

API Info

Stored location for the file.
Unique ID for the file.
Share URL
Direct link that you can use to share this resource with colleagues, or Heretto Support.
Direct URL for the REST API location. Clicking this link opens the content in a new tab, where you can review all the information that would be included in a REST API call.
Direct URL for the WebDAV location.

Assignments Tab

Use the Assignments tab in the Resource Drawer to view assignments for the file you selected. You can also use it to quickly move the file through the workflow, or interact with other assignments.


The Assignments tab in the Resource Viewer Pane


The Assignments tab in the Resource Drawer is similar to the Assignments interface in the Main Menu , but instead only shows assignments that contain the file you selected.

Branching Tab

Use the Branches tab in the Resource Drawer to create and interact with branches.


The Branches tab in the Resource Viewer Pane


Branches are full copies of your content in another space, which you can edit independently of your original content. You can, however, merge changes from one branch to another and replace content in another branch. Branches that are created from the selected map show here and are available for merging and replacing content.


Content objects on your branches count toward your content object limit.

Releases Tab

Use the Releases tab in the Resource Drawer to create, localize, publish, branch, view, download, and deprecate releases of files. Releases are archived copies of the content at a specific point in time.


The Releases tab in the Resource Viewer Pane
Note: Releases do not count upon your content object limit.

Locales Tab

Use the Locales tab to view localized versions of the file once localization jobs are complete.


The Locales tab in the Resource Viewer Pane


Heretto CCMS associates and tracks all locales for a particular resource. This means that in the Locales tab you can view all locales for that particular resource. In the Locales tab, you can:

  • View all locales associated with a resource
  • View the localization status of each locale, for example, current, out of date, and unavailable
  • Access the translation memory and cache modes
  • Upload locales for a file

Localization Jobs Tab

Use the Jobs tab in the Resource Drawer to package content in maps to export for localization and then upload the localized content into Heretto CCMS.


The Jobs tab in the Resource Viewer Pane

Links Tab

Use the Links tab in the Resource Drawer to view a file's direct linking relationships.


The Links tab in the Resource Viewer Pane


The Links tab shows the incoming and outgoing direct links for the current file. The Links tab does not show indirect links.

Incoming Links
The resources that link directly to the current resource.
Outgoing Links
The direct references of the current resource.

Reports Tab

Administrators can use the Reports tab in the Resource Drawer to select a report to run on the content in your repository.

Tip: Heretto CCMS comes with a set of standard reports you can run on your maps and folders. We can also develop custom reports based on your needs.

History Tab

Use the History tab in the Resource Drawer to view, compare, and restore previous revisions (or versions) of a file.


The History tab in the Resource Details Drawer


Revision events are created when users interact with a resource, such as opening and editing, unlocking, merging, moving.


All past revisions of your images are also stored in Heretto CCMS. Once you replace your images, you can always restore their past revisions with the Restore button.

Restoring previous revisions of images in Heretto CCMS