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DITA has many benefits to both business management and technical processes.

BenefitDescription of ProblemBusiness Management BenefitsTechnical Benefits
Content ManagementContent is stored in many "silos" and is difficult to find, update, or collaborate on.DITA systems provide a single content repository that all team members can access. Multiple users can search, author, edit, review, and publish using a single source, so everyone's on the same page. DITA has highly effective search capabilities with taxonomy and metadata. All changes are tracked so content is easy to find, use, and manage.
ReuseContent creation is expensive and labor intensive. Reusing content often involves copying and pasting, which can result in errors.Topic-based authoring in DITA makes it easy to reuse content. Reusing content ensures consistency in publishing outputs and also reduces costs.DITA enables you to reuse content effectively without copying and pasting. You can easily update content in just one place and generate a global update.
PublishingPublishing content to multiple platforms requires extensive styling work. Proprietary systems limit publishing options.DITA content can be published to many different media formats and devices with the push of a button, reducing the cost of publication that's typically spend on formatting by 30-50%, as multiple studies show. For more information, see Formatting Costs.DITA applies formatting when content is published, which eliminates the need for manual formatting and results in consistently formatted outputs for multiple media.
Translation and LocalizationLocalizing content is costly and can delay time to market.With DITA, you can create translation packages of the content that you need and not content that has already been localized, significantly reducing translation costs.Heretto CCMS tracks which content is up to date and because content is broken into smaller topics, localization is much more manageable.
Interoperability and ScalabilityDocuments created in proprietary formats cannot be opened or are not supported by other software.DITA is an open standard, which means that content created in DITA can be transferred to other systems without a complex, costly conversion process.DITA is an XML based standard, which is both human- and machine-readable. This enables connections with other software, like WordPress, Mindtouch, Sharepoint, and other applications.
WorkflowIt's difficult to track and collaborate on large content development projects throughout an organization. Writing content to support products often comes at the end of the product development cycle.In DITA, content development aligns with agile product development because content is broken into smaller topics. Simultaneous content development and reuse means documentation can be developed and released more quickly.DITA systems provide a mechanism to assign and track work using workflows. A collaborative authoring and review process in a single-source increases efficiency.