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Heretto CCMS enables you to insert videos into topics. Videos can provide concepts or tasks in a different format to the reader. We recommend inserting videos from external services like YouTube or Vimeo. Online videos can be embedded into your content for digital productions.

Note: You can also insert a video from the Content Library. However, we strongly recommend using an external video hosting service instead.
Figure 1. YouTube Video

Insert an External Video

You can insert a video to a topic by using the Insert Video icon in the Content Editor toolbar.

Note: This procedure shows you how to insert a YouTube or Vimeo video into a topic. However, you can insert a video form a different service in an analogous way.
Obtain a video link by doing any of the following:
  1. To obtain a link to a YouTube video, do the following:
    1. Go to the YouTube video that you want to add to a topic.
    2. Below the video, click Share and select Embed.
      Obtaining a link to a YouTube video
    3. Optional: In the window that appears, adjust any additional options like the starting point of your video, player appearance, etc.
    4. Copy the video embed link.
      Obtaining a link to a YouTube video
  2. To obtain a link to a Vimeo video, do the following:
    1. Go to the Vimeo video that you want to add to a topic.
    2. Below the video, click Share.
    3. Copy the video embed link.
      Obtaining a link to a Vimeo video
Reference the video in a topic by doing the following:
  1. In the Content Library, double-click a topic.
  2. Place your cursor where you want to insert a video.
  3. In the toolbar, click the Insert Video icon.
  4. In the dialog, do the following:
    A video dialog that displays when a user wants to insert an video.
    1. From the Link To drop-down menu, select A URL (External link).
    2. In the Link (href) field paste the link to the video that you obtained in 1 or 2.
    3. Click Apply.
  5. Optional: Set the video attributes by selecting the video and clicking the Attributes tab.

    You can control the size of the video player in the output by setting the width attribute and the height attribute.

Insert a Video from the Content Library

You can insert a video to a topic by using the Insert Video icon in the Content Editor toolbar.


We strongly recommend hosting videos on external video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo and referencing them in your content. See Insert an External Video.

Upload a video to the Content Library. See Upload Files to Heretto CCMS.

Heretto CCMS supports common video formats, including: MOV, AVI, and MP4.


Size limit for any uploaded file is 500 MB.

  1. In the Content Library, double-click a topic.
  2. Place your cursor where you want to insert a video.
  3. In the toolbar, click the Insert Video icon.
  4. In the linking dialog, do the following:
    A video dialog that displays when the user wants to insert a video.
    1. From the Link To drop-down menu, select A File in Heretto.
    2. Near the Href field, click Select File.
    3. Select the video that you want to insert and click Link to Fileo.
  5. Optional: Set the video attributes by selecting the video and clicking the Attributes tab.

    You can control the size of the video player in the output by setting the width attribute and the height attribute.