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Title Page

In Heretto PDF Generator, you can create a title page inside your publication. This title page displays the title, short description, and abstract of a topic. Follow information provided in this section to build PDF Generator publishing scenarios based on Gray and Color templates. For more information about the templates, see Gray and Color Templates.

Table 1. Styling used in the default Gray and Color templates
Resource location:@import url("");

Add a Title Page to a Publication

You can add title pages to your publication. Title pages are typically used to start chapters or sections in publications.

  1. In the Content Library, double-click a map to open it in the Content Editor.
  2. Create a new concept topic and add it to your map where you want the title page displayed. See, Insert New Content into a Map.
  3. Remove the topic body element.
  4. Add relevant information to the topic title element, short description element, and abstract element.

    To add an abstract element, right-click the short description element, click Wrap Element, and select Abstract.

  5. Open the Attributes tab.
    Attributes tab
  6. In the Content Editor, place your cursor in the topic title element.
  7. In the Attributes tab go to the outputclass field and add fullpage_title.
    <title outputclass="fullpage_title">Topic Title</title>
    <abstract><shortdesc>Short Description</shortdesc>Abstract</abstract>

    If the topic body element is present, the short description element and the abstract element are placed on the next page.

When you publish the map with a PDF Generator scenario based on the Gray or Color template, the topic is presented as a title page in the PDF output.

Figure 1. Title Page in PDF Output
title page