Footnotes enable you to annotate text with additional information that is not appropriate for inline inclusion or to indicate the source for facts or other material used in the text. Footnotes consist of two main elements, a footnote callout that is visible in the text and footnote content that is typically placed at the the bottom of a page. Footnote callouts are linked to footnote content.
Numerical Callouts
We recommend using numerical callouts when your footnote content consists of words.
By default, footnotes are indicated by numerical callouts. Heretto CCMS automatically manages their order. For example, if you insert a new footnote between existing footnotes, their order updates according to their position in the topic.
In this example, callout 1 corresponds to Paragraph A and callout 2 corresponds to Paragraph C.
In this example, a footnote is added to Paragraph B. The order of the numerical footnotes updates automatically.
Custom Callouts
We recommend using custom callouts with symbols when your footnote content consists of numbers.
You can customize callouts to use symbols or letters instead of numbers by setting the callout attribute value for the footnote element. Custom callouts do not update automatically. For example, if you insert a new footnote between existing footnotes with symbols as callouts, you need to update the order of footnotes at the bottom of the page manually.
In this example, callout * corresponds to Paragraph A and callout ** corresponds to Paragraph C.
Using One Footnote Multiple Times
You can annotate multiple pieces of text in a topic with the same footnote. For more information, see Apply One Footnote Multiple Times in a Topic
In this example, one footnote with callout 1 is added to three paragraphs in a topic.
Footnotes in Output
Depending on the output type and your output customizations, footnotes can render differently in different output types. For example, in some outputs footnotes may be rendered as endnotes. You can change the way footnotes render by customizing your publishing scenarios.
In this example, footnote callouts render as links in the text but at the bottom of the page they render as non-clickable superscript characters.
In this example, footnote callouts render as links both in the text and at the bottom of the page. You can click a callout to jump between the footnote callout and the corresponding footnote content.
Insert a Footnote
You can enrich your content by adding footnotes. Footnotes are elements that are placed outside the main document body to explain parts of the content.
Modify Footnote Callouts
You can modify footnote callouts and change them to a number, letter, or symbol. By default, a footnote callout is a number visible in line with text as a superscript element that is linked to the footnote content at the end of the topic.
To modify footnote callouts, you add a value to the callout attribute in a footnote element.
Footnotes with custom callouts do not update automatically when you add new footnotes. We recommend using default footnote callouts for textual content and symbols for footnote callouts with numerical content.
The footnote callout is changed to the value you specified for the callout attribute.
Apply One Footnote Multiple Times in a Topic
Set an ID attribute value for the footnote element to be reused
Link to the footnote element
In this example, one footnote with callout 1 is added to three paragraphs in a topic.
Remove a Footnote
You can remove unwanted footnotes by removing the footnote element from the Footnotes section.
You removed both the footnote callout and content from the topic.