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Assignments enable you to manage content reviews.

Tip: You can use filters to manage the assignments that show in the list. There are some preconfigured Quick Filters that you can use to quickly manage which assignments show. In addition to the preconfigured Quick Filters, you can configure your own filter by using the filter drop-down menus.

Create an Assignment

You can create an assignment for a topic, a map, or multiple resources.

  1. In the content library, navigate to the folder that contains resources that you want to include in an assignment and do one of the following:
    If you want to add a topic to the assignment,right-click a topic and select New Assignment.
    If you want to add a map to the assignment,right-click a map and select New Assignment.
    If you want to add multiple resources to the assignment,do the following:
    1. Select the resources that you want to add to the assignment.
    2. Right-click any selected resource and select New Assignment.
  2. In the create assignment window, under Step 1: Assignment Details, do the following:
    1. Fill in the Summary field.
    2. Optional: Set the Due Date field.
    3. Optional: Disable email notifications for the assignment by clearing the Send email notification check box.
  3. In the create assignment window, under Step 2: Workflow, do the following:
    1. Select a workflow.
      For more information, see Assignment Workflows.
    2. For each workflow step, select the user that you want to assign to the step.
      Tip: You can add more than one user to a step. When a step with multiple users becomes active, all users are notified. Then, depending on the workflow configuration, one user can claim and complete a step or every user assigned to a step needs to complete it.
  4. In the create assignment window, under Step 3: Files, do the following:
    1. Optional: To prevent map modifications from affecting the assignment scope, clear the When topics are added or removed from the map, include them in the assignment check box.
    2. Optional: To select a context map for the assignment, click the Context map drop-down menu, click Select a context map, select a map, and click Select.
      For more information, see Context Maps.
    3. Optional: To add a DITAVAL to the assignment, click the Context map drop-down menu, click Add a ditaval filter, select a DITAVAL, and click Select.
      Adding a DITAVAL to an assignment enables you to filter content for reviewers. For more information, see DITAVALs.
  5. Click Create.
The user responsible for the first workflow step receives inbox and email notifications.

Edit an Assignment

Assignments creators can change the assignment details like assignment scope, users responsible for individual workflow steps, and other details.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click Edit assignment.
  4. In the Edit Assignment window, change the assignment details.
  5. Optional: At the bottom, in the Edit Assignment Comment field, enter a comment about your edits.
  6. Click Edit.

View Assignments

Use the Assignments interface to view assignments, access detailed information about an assignment, and open a resource for the assignment.
  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. View the assignment resource:
    1. Hover over the resource and click the more button on the right.
    2. Click Open.

Filter Assignments

Filter and manage the assignments in the Assignments interface.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. To filter using the Quick Filters, do any of the following:
    • Click Needs my Attention to show work currently assigned to you.
    • Click Open to display all open assignments.
    • Click Assigned to Me to show all work assigned to you.
      Note: Assignments in the Assigned to Me Quick Filter includes all Heretto CCMS assignments that have been assigned to you, included closed assignments.
    • Click Assigned by Me to see all work you have assigned to others.
    • Click All Assignments to show all assignments in Heretto CCMS.
  3. To filter using the preconfigured filters, do any of the following:
    • Click Status and select an option to filter based on the status of the assignment.
    • Click Active Step and select and option to filter based on the stage in the workflow.
    • Click Type and select an option to filter based on the type of assignment.
    • Click Assignee and select a user to filter based on the user the assignment is.
    • lick Issuer and select a user to filter based on the creator of the assignment.
    • Click Active User and select a user to filter based on the active user.

Assignment Workflows

An assignment workflow consists of steps that you can assign to specific users or groups of users.

Workflows Operation

A workflow step is active when:
  • It's the first step in the workflow
  • The previous step is completed
When multiple users are assigned to a workflow step, the step can either be:
  • Completed by only one user
  • Completed by every user
Figure 1. Simple Workflow Example

You can take any of the following actions while your workflow step is active:

If you're done with the work for your step, you can complete your step.
If multiple users are assigned to a workflow step that only needs to be completed by one user, you can claim the step.
If you're unable to work on the step, you can forward the step to another user.
If the work in the previous step was not completed, or the previous workflow step needs to be repeated, you can return the assignment to the user responsible for the previous step.

For example, if the assignment you're working on is using the “Author, Review, Verify” workflow, and you're the Reviewer, you can return the assignment back to the previous step for the Author to make the changes that you suggested. Once they've made the changes, they can continue with the workflow and send it back to you for another review.

When the assignment reaches the final step in the workflow, the user responsible for the step can close the assignment and mark it as resolved. If the assignment cannot or no longer needs to be completed, the user responsible for the step can close the assignment and mark it as unresolved.

Workflows Configuration

By default, you can use the following workflows:

Author, Verify
Assign one user to write the content and another user to verify the content.
Author, Review, Verify
Assign a user to write the content, another user to review the content, and another user to verify the content.
Note: If needed, we can configure more workflows for you.

Designing a Workflow

You can design custom workflows to use when assigning work in Heretto CCMS. This guide will help you define workflows that align with your content development process. Once you've defined your workflows, your CSM can get the workflow configured for you, so it displays as an option in the Assignments interface.

Workflow Design Considerations

When you begin designing a workflow, you should think about how your content development process looks like. Keep in mind that you can design multiple workflows if different publications or types of assignments follow different processes.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What different deliverables does my organization produce?
  • Who writes the content?
  • Who reviews the content?
  • Who contributes to the content?
  • What approvals are required and who can approve the content?
  • Are there any limitations that should be in place for accessing the content?
  • Are there any processes that should be automated?

Workflow Components

Once you have a general idea of your workflow requirements, you can begin defining your workflows. There are three components to a workflow you must define:

  • Steps
  • Multiple Assignees
  • Triggers

Workflow Steps

Define the workflow steps an assignment should follow. Assignment steps should align with your content development process.

All assignments follow a workflow with defined steps that must be completed by the assigned user(s). For example, in this workflow, one person is assigned to review the content and another to revise it:

  1. Review
  2. Revise

There is no limit to how many steps you can have in a workflow and you can name the steps whatever you want.

When designing a workflow you should think about both your content development process and who completes the work at each step. For example, consider if multiple reviews are necessary or if you require approvals for any publications.

Figure 2. Workflow Example
Workflow example screenshot
E-Signature Workflow Step

A workflow step may require you to associate a PDF document with your electronic signature.

E-Signature Overview

The electronic signature feature enables you to digitally approve documents without the need to physically sign their hard copies.

You can insert an e-signature workflow step anywhere in a workflow.

Figure 3. E-Signature Step at the End of a Workflow
E-signature step at end of workflow
Figure 4. E-Signature Step in the Middle of a Workflow
E-signature step in middle of workflow
To enable the electronic signature feature you need to:
  • Create a Heretto PDF Generator publishing scenario and name it esignature. For more information, see Heretto PDF Generator.
    Important: You can only use the Heretto PDF Generator publishing scenarios with the electronic signature feature. Other publishing engines are not yet supported.
  • Contact your Customer Success Manager to have them add the e-signature step to an existing or new assignment workflow.
E-Signature Operation

You sign documents electronically by completing an e-signature workflow step in an assignment.

Figure 5. E-Signature Dialog
E-signature dialogue box
Important: Each e-signature passcode is valid for 30 minutes. You can use a passcode several times during the 30 minutes time frame.
Completing the e-signature workflow step generates an entry in the Activity log. This is useful for record-keeping or legal evidence. You can access the entry from the Assignments interface and from the Activity interface.
Figure 6. E-Signature Activity Entry
E-signature activity example
The links in the activity entry provide access to the following resources and documents.
Opens the assignment in which the document was electronically signed.
E-signature document source
Downloads a ZIP file that contains:
  • The source files of an e-signed document
  • A __manifest__.xml file with information about the:
    • E-Signature ID
    • Time stamp
    • Signer
    • Related comment
    • Signed document structure and metadata
<manifest esignatureId="0715f9a7-a045-47ce-808f-dcb953c32d5b" timestamp="1591168913892" user="" comment="I hereby sign this document.">
    <file path="Map_A.ditamap" uri="/db/organizations/qa/repositories/master/content/documents/Document_A/Map_A.ditamap" id="2fd6abc0-9386-11ea-958b-02429593e86b" timestamp="1591168924156">
            <meta name="validation-err-msg"></meta>
            <meta name="char-count">0</meta>
            <meta name="lock-owner"></meta>
            <meta name="normalized-checksum">6e2b6a641485d39855b53d13296be64d</meta>
            <meta name="is-valid">true</meta>
            <meta name="dita-class">- map/map </meta>
            <meta name="title">Map A</meta>
            <meta name="original-template-name">map-template.ditamap</meta>
            <meta name="__document_owner"></meta>
            <meta name="num-open-comments">0</meta>
            <meta name="__document_links_last_processed_rev">-1</meta>
            <meta name="__last_modified_revision">-1</meta>
            <meta name="__has_broken_links">false</meta>
            <meta name="dita-domains"></meta>
            <meta name="checksum">6e2b6a641485d39855b53d13296be64d</meta>
            <meta name="original-template-label">Default Map</meta>
            <meta name="content-type">Map</meta>
            <meta name="word-count">0</meta>
            <meta name="__checksum-dirty">false</meta>
            <meta name="document-valid-md-field">true</meta>
            <meta name="__last_modified_by">SYSTEM</meta>
            <meta name="status">in_progress</meta>
<!--The rest of the document-->
E-signature PDF document
Downloads a zipped PDF publication of the document that you electronically signed.
E-signature details
Downloads a zipped PDF file with details about your e-signature.

Multiple Assignees

Workflows are configured to include behaviors for how assignments will handle multiple assignees. If you assign any step to more than one person, you must determine whether you want all people assigned to complete the step or whether one person should claim the step and complete the work.
There are two behaviors available when you assign a workflow step to more than one person:
All Must Complete
All users assigned must complete the workflow step. For example, if you have multiple reviewers or contributors that must review the content, you can assign a step to all of them and require everyone assigned to complete the review step.
Only one user must claim and complete the workflow step. For example, if you have a pool of reviewers, you can assign a step to all of them and the first available person can claim and complete the review step. Once a user claims a workflow step, the assignment will no longer display for the others assigned.


Triggers are automatic actions performed when a workflow step is completed in Heretto CCMS. You can specify triggers for actions that you want to happen as a workflow progresses through each step.

If you integrate triggers into your workflows, keep in mind that these are automated events that will happen every time the specified step is completed. While automation can improve your content development process, you also lose some control over that process so it's important to carefully consider triggers.

There are three workflow triggers available in Heretto CCMS:

A publishing event is automatically triggered when a workflow step is completed. For example, in the “Author, Review, Verify” workflow, the assigned resource(s) automatically publishes once the “Verify” step is completed.
Review-Only Mode
The assigned resource is put in Review-Only Mode when a workflow step is completed, which prevents you from editing the document directly, but you can suggest changes or deletions and add comments. For example, in a workflow with the steps “Author, Review, Verify”, you can add a trigger to put the document in Review-Only Mode when the “Review” step is active so the reviewer can add suggestions, but not edit the document.
Status Change
The status of the assigned resources changes when a workflow step is completed. For example, in a workflow with the steps “Author, Review, Verify”, you can add a trigger to change the status of the assigned resource(s) to “Approved” when the “Verify” step is completed.
Tip: If there's another action that you'd like to create a trigger for, please contact your Heretto CCMS representative to see if it can be done.

Complete a Workflow Step

Complete the active step that you're responsible for and move the assignment along the workflow.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click I'm Done.
  4. In the dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. If needed, complete any required fields and select any required check boxes.
    2. Click Done or Sign Document.
The active step that you're responsible for now is complete and the next active user receives notifications.

Claim a Workflow Step

Workflow steps can be claimed if multiple users are assigned to a step and only one user is required to complete the step.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click Claim.
    You claimed a workflow step, no other user can perform work on this step.

Forward a Workflow Step

If you don't have the time or capacity to complete a workflow step, you can forward the step to another user.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click Forward.
  4. In the dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. From the Forward to drop-down menu, select a user.
    2. Optional: Fill in the Comment field to provide the reason for forwarding.
  5. Click Forward.
The user that you selected receives notifications and is now responsible for the step.

Return an Assignment to a Previous Step

You can return an assignment to a previous step to have that step repeated.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click Return.
  4. In the dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. Optional: Enter a comment.
    2. Click Return.
The assignment is returned to the previous step and the user responsible for the step receives notifications.

Change a Workflow Step

Move an assignment forwards or backwards to another step in the workflow.

  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click the workflow step you want to move the assignment to.
  4. In the dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. Optional: Enter a comment.
    2. Click Change step.
The user responsible for the active step receives notifications.

Close an Assignment

Close an assignment and archive it as resolved or unresolved.

Resolved Assignment

An assignment that has been completed.

Unresolved Assignment

An assignment that has not been and may not need to be completed.

Warning: You cannot reopen assignments that have been have closed.
  1. In the Dashboard interface, click Assignments.
  2. From the Assignments interface, select an assignment.
  3. Click Close Assignment.
  4. In the dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. Optional: Enter a comment.
    2. Optional: If you want to close an assignment as unresolved, clear the Resolved check box.
    3. Click Close Assignment.