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Heretto Publishing Reference

Heretto CCMS includes several publishing engines that enable you to publish content to various formats and deliver it to different endpoints.

Publishing EngineDescriptionOutput Formats/EndpointsKey Features
Heretto Connector for DITA Open ToolkitThe Heretto Connector for DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) is a mature open-source DITA transformation engine that enables you to publish content to a large number of output formats.
Out of the box:
  • HTML5
  • PDF
  • Markdown
  • Normalized DITA
  • Eclipse Help
  • HTML Help

With third-party plugins:

  • Versatility of output formats
  • Unbound transformation and customization capabilities
  • Compliance with your existing DITA-OT plugins or third-party solutions like oXygen WebHelp
Heretto PDF GeneratorThe Heretto PDF Generator is a fast publishing engine based on Prince XML that enables you to develop templates directly in Heretto CCMS.
  • PDF
  • Rapid PDF preview and publishing
  • Interactive templates development inside Heretto CCMS
  • Easy templates customization with HTML and CSS

Heretto Portal

The Heretto Portal enables you to instantaneously render and deliver content to a customizable and modern documentation portal website.
  • Dynamic content deployment to your documentation portal
  • Instantaneous content publication
  • Easy customization
  • Modern, responsive, and lightweight documentation portal
Heretto Connector for DocusaurusThe Heretto Connector for Docusaurus connector enables you to deliver content to a Heretto Connector for Docusaurus-built site hosted on Netlify or to generate a static Heretto Connector for Docusaurus site that you can preview locally and deploy on your own.
  • Static Heretto Connector for Docusaurus-built site
  • Netlify deployment
  • A popular static site framework sponsored by Facebook
  • Extensive customization capabilities
  • Automated delivery to Netlify