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Structure Schematron Rules

You can use the following rules to enforce extra validation of your information architecture.

Do not insert elements into title elements

A title element cannot contain any children elements except for conkeyrefs.


Title element schematron rule example


<!-- A Title element cannot contain any children elements except for conkeyrefs. -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_01">
    <rule context="title">
        <report test="*[not(@conkeyref)]">A title element cannot contain any children elements except for conkeyrefs.</report>

Assign @xml:lang attributes to root topic elements

Each root topic element should have an @xml:lang attribute assigned.


Root topic element schematron rule example


<!-- Each topic root element should have an @xml:lang attribute assigned -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_02">
    <rule context="concept|task|reference|topic|troubleshooting">
        <assert test="@xml:lang">Each root topic element should have an @xml:lang attribute

Add Short Description elements

Each topic should contain a Short Description element.


Short description element schematron rule example


<!-- Each topic should contain a Short Description element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_03">
    <rule context="concept|task|reference|topic|troubleshooting">
        <assert test="shortdesc|abstract/shortdesc">Topics should contain a Short
            Description element.</assert>

Do not create one-step procedures

Each task should contain at least two Step elements.


Step element schematron rule example


<!-- Each task should contain at least two Step elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_04">
    <rule context="steps">
        <assert test="count(step) &gt; 1">Tasks should contain at least two Step elements.
            If you need to create a one-step task, replace the Steps element with a
            Steps-Unordered element.</assert>

Do not duplicate children elements in step elements

A Step or Substep element should not contain more than one Choices, Substeps, Step Example, or Info element.


More step and substep element schematron rule examples


<!-- A Step or Substep element should not contain more than one Choices, Substeps, Step Example, or Info element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_05">
    <rule context="step|substep">
        <assert test="count(info) &lt; 2">A Step or Substep element should not contain more than one Info
        <assert test="count(stepxmp) &lt; 2">A Step or Substep should not contain more than one Step
            Example element.</assert>
        <assert test="count(choices) &lt; 2">A Step or Substep should not contain more than one Choices
        <assert test="count(substeps) &lt; 2">A Step should not contain more than one Substeps

Do not create one-substep substeps

A Substeps element should contain at least two Substep elements.


Substep element schematron rule example


<!-- A Substeps element should contain at least two Substep elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_06">
    <rule context="substeps">
        <assert test="count(substep) &gt; 1">A Substeps element should contain at least two
            Substep elements.</assert>

Do not create one-choice choices

A Choices element should contain at least two Choice elements.


Choices element schematron rule example


<!-- A Choices should contain at least two Choice elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_07">
    <rule context="choices">
        <assert test="count(choice) &gt; 1">A Choices element should contain at least two Choice

Remove or fill in empty elements

Empty task elements should be removed or filled in. Do not flag reused step elements in the target file.


Empty tasks schematron rule example


<!-- Empty task elements should be removed or filled in but not flag conrefs -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_08">
        <rule context="//step[not(@conref)]/cmd|//substep[not(@conref)]/cmd|prereq[not(@conref)]|postreq[not(@conref)]|stepresult[not(@conref)]|steps-unordered[not(@conref)]|stepsection[not(@conref)]|cause[not(@conref)]|condition[not(@conref)]|result[not(@conref)]|stepxmp[not(@conref)]|context[not(@conref)]|info[not(@conref)]">
         <assert test="string-length(.) != 0">Empty task elements should be removed or filled in.</assert>

Add titles for sections

A Section element should contain a Title element.


Section element schematron rule example


<!-- A Section element should contain a Title element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_09">
    <rule context="section">
        <assert test="title">A Section element should contain a Title element.</assert>

Do not add introductory text

Prerequisites, Postrequisites, Step Example, Step Result, Example, Result, and Context elements should not contain introductory text. The text is generated automatically (specific to: heretto_pdf, color_pdf, and gray_pdf publishing scenarios).


More step schematron rule examples


<!-- Prerequisites, Postrequisites, Step Example, Step Result, Example, Result, and Context elements should not contain introductory text. The text is generated automatically (Specific to: heretto_pdf, color_pdf, gray_pdf publishing scenarios) -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_10">
    <rule context="prereq/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Bb]efore\s*you\s*[Bb]egin')">Remove the introductory text. The
            text is generated automatically.</report>
        <report test="matches(., '^[Bb]efore\s*you\s*[Ss]tart')">Remove the introductory text. The
            text is generated automatically.</report>
        <report test="matches(., '^[Pp]rerequisites')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
    <rule context="postreq/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Nn]ext\s*[Ss]teps')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
        <report test="matches(., '^[Pp]ostequisites')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
    <rule context="stepxmp/p[1]|example/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Ee]xample')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
        <report test="matches(., '^[Ff]or\s*[Ee]xample')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
    <rule context="stepresult/p[1]|stepresult/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Rr]esult')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
    <rule context="result/p[1]|result/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Rr]esult')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>
    <rule context="context/p[1]">
        <report test="matches(., '^[Cc]ontext')">Remove the introductory text. The text is
            generated automatically.</report>

Do not create one-item unordered or ordered lists

Unordered List and Ordered List elements should contain at least two List Item elements.


List element schematron rule example


<!-- Unordered List and Ordered List elements should contain at least two List Item elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_11">
    <rule context="ul|ol">
        <assert test="count(li) &gt; 1" sqf:fix="addListItem">Unordered List and Ordered List
            elements should contain at least two List Item elements.</assert>
        <sqf:fix id="addListItem">
                <sqf:title>Add a List Item element</sqf:title>
                <sqf:p>To fix this issue, you can add another List Item element. If you cannot
                    come up with another List Item element, convert the list element to a Paragraph
            <sqf:add node-type="element" target="li" position="last-child"/>

Do not create one-item definition lists

A Definition List element should contain at least two Definition Entry elements.


Definition list element schematron rule example


<!-- A Definition List element should contain at least two Definition Entry elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_12">
    <rule context="dl">
        <assert test="count(dlentry) &gt; 1">A Definition List element should contain at least
            two Definition Entry elements.</assert>

Do not wrap images in paragraphs

A non-inline Image element should be wrapped in a Figure element instead of a Paragraph element.


Image wrap schematron rule example


<!-- An Image element should be wrapped in a Figure element instead of a Paragraph element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_15">
    <rule context="p">
        <report test="image">An image element should be wrapped in a Figure element instead of a
            Paragraph element.</report>

Add an alt element for each image

To ensure that your content is accessible, all Image elements should contain an Alt element.


Alt element schematron rule example


<!-- An Image element should contain an Alt element  -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_16">
    <rule context="image">
        <assert test="alt">An Image element should contain an Alt element.</assert>

Specify the images width

An image element should have the @width attribute assigned.


Image width schematron rule example


<!-- An image element should have the @width attribute assigned (Specific to: DITA Open Toolkit-Specific publishing scenarios) -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_18">
    <rule context="image">
        <assert test="@width">An image element should have the @width attribute

Specify the type attribute for each note

Each Note element should have the @type attribute assigned.


Note element type schematron rule example


<!-- Each Note element should have the @type attribute assigned -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_19">
    <rule context="note[not(@conref)]">
        <assert test="@type">Each Note element should have the @type attribute

Do not add tables without headers

A Table element should contain a Table Header (thead) element.


Table header schematron rule example


<!-- A Table element should contain a Table Header (thead) element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_20">
    <rule context="table">
        <assert test="//thead">A Table element should contain a Table Header (thead)

Do not create single-item menu cascades

A Menu Cascade element should contain at least two UI Control elements.


Menu Cascade element schematron rule example


<!-- A Menu Cascade element should contain at least two UI Control elements -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_21">
    <rule context="menucascade">
        <assert test="count(uicontrol) &gt; 1">A Menu Cascade element should contain at least two
            UI control elements.</assert>

Add an attribute to fit wide tables

A topic that contains a Table element with five or more columns should have the @outputclass="landscape" attribute assigned to the root topic element.



<!--A topic that contains a Table element with five or more columns should have the @outputclass="landscape" attribute assigned to the root topic element -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_22">
        <report test="count(colspec) &gt; 4">A topic that contains a Table element with five or
            more columns should have the @outputclass="landscape" attribute assigned to the root
            topic element.</report>

Do not use non-semantic elements

Do not use non-semantic elements (bold, underline, italics) to format content.


Non-semantic elements schematron rule example


<!-- Do not use non-semantic elements (bold, underline, italics) to format content -->
<pattern id="STRUCTURE_23">
    <rule context=".">
        <report test="b|u|i">Do not use non-semantic elements (bold, underline, italics) to format content. Consider using a Window Title or a UI Control element.</report>