Map Tree
Heretto CCMS enables you to customize the Map Tree pane appearance.
You can adjust the following Map Tree appearance settings.
- Icons Toggle
- Enables you to show or hide icons associated with different DITA elements in a map.
- Show Elements Toggle
- Enables you to show or hide advanced DITA elements like a data element
or a reltable element.
- Element Names Toggle
- Enables you to hide element names, show shortened element names, or show full element names.
Map Tree Pane
You can use the Map Tree Pane in the Content Editor to edit DITA maps.
Heretto CCMS automatically saves a document any time there is a change to the file. You do not need to manually save any resource that's open in the Content Editor.
Context Menu
You can use the context menu to do the following:
- Copy share URL
Copies a link to the file added in the map, for example, a topic. You can use the link to share the file with other users. The link opens the location of the file and highlights the file.
- Open topic
- Opens the topic in the Content Editor in a separate window.
- Edit element XML
- Opens the Edit Source window to edit the element's XML.
- Show file in Content Library
- Opens the Content Library and highlights the selected file.
- Remove element
- Removes the element from the map.
- Append element
- Inserts an available map element as a child of the selected element.
- Insert element before
- Inserts an available map element before the selected element.
- Insert element after
- Inserts an available map element after the selected element.
- Expand all nodes
- Displays all elements in the map tree.
- Collapse all nodes
- Hides all elements in the map tree.