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XSL namespace declarations are removed upon save

I want to define custom XSL declarations but my edits are removed when I save the Heretto PDF Generator publishing scenario.

The removal of XSL namespace declarations that you add in the XSLT tab is a limitation of the Heretto PDF Generator feature.

  1. Open a Heretto PDF Generator publishing scenario.
  2. In the XSLT tab, add the namespace declarations as usual.
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
      exclude-result-prefixes="dita-ot ditamsg jcm-link-man table">
  3. For each declaration, add the :preserve="preserve" attribute.
    To preserve the xmlns:dita-ot declaration add:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" dita-ot:preserve="preserve"
      exclude-result-prefixes="dita-ot ditamsg jcm-link-man table">
  4. Click Save Scenario.