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Blank Pages

In Heretto PDF Generator, you can insert blank pages in the document. When printing a book with left and right pages, you can use it to decide which elements start on the right and which start on the left page. Follow information provided in this section to build PDF Generator publishing scenarios based on Gray and Color templates. For more information about the templates, see Gray and Color Templates.

Table 1. Styling used in the default Gray and Color templates
Resource location:

@import url("");

By default, this CSS code is disabled and no blank pages are inserted in the documents. Use the following procedures to enable blank pages.

Add Blank Page Before the Table of Contents

You can insert a blank page after the document cover and before the table of contents.

  1. In the top-left corner, click the Main Menu and go to PDF Generator.
  2. In the PDF Generator scenarios screen, click the publishing scenario you want to edit.
  3. In the CSS tab, add this code
    /* Add a blank page after the cover page. */
    nav {
        page-break-before: right;
  4. Click Save Scenario.
  5. Click the Select map to preview button to select the map you want to test with the updated scenario. Once selected, click the Generate PDF button.

A plank page is inserted after the cover and before the table of contents.

Figure 1. Blank Page Before the Table of Contents
blank page after cover

Start Chapter-Level Topics on the Right Side

You can start each chapter on the right side by inserting blank pages on the left side if needed.

  1. In the top-left corner, click the Main Menu and go to PDF Generator.
  2. In the PDF Generator scenarios screen, click the publishing scenario you want to edit.
  3. In the CSS tab, add this code
    /* Starts each chapter (level-1 topic) on the right page. Insert a blank page before a chapter if needed. */
    body > nav ~ article.nested0 {
        page-break-before: left;
  4. Click Save Scenario.
  5. Click the Select map to preview button to select the map you want to test with the updated scenario. Once selected, click the Generate PDF button.

A blank page is inserted on the left side after a chapter. Each new chapter starts on the right side.

Figure 2. Blank Page Before a Chapter-Level Topic.

Blank page added before chapter C. Chapter C starts on the right side.

blank page before chapter