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First Steps

Sign in to Heretto CCMS

Before authoring content in Heretto CCMS, you need to sign in to your account. Then you can create your own testing area for the content you'll create in this tutorial.


Heretto CCMS is compatible with Chrome and Firefox. You can access your Heretto CCMS account by opening the URL provided to you in either browser.

  1. Sign in to Heretto CCMS with the credentials provided to you.

    If you don't have an account, ask your Heretto CCMS Administrator to set one up for you.

    A Heretto CCMS Administrator is a person on your team assigned the Administrator role in Heretto CCMS.


    If you enter an incorrect username or password five times in a row, you will be locked out for 30 minutes. After this period, you can attempt to sign in again.

    Sign in screen
    Once signed in, the first screen you see is the Content Library.
  2. In the left pane, in the Browse tab, click the Content folder.

    If you don't see the Content folder, ask your Heretto CCMS Administrator where to add a testing folder.

    My_Content folder
  3. Click Create a new folder and add a new folder named Testing.
    content library
  4. In the Testing folder, create a personal testing folder.

    Follow this naming convention Surname_Name.

Great! Now that you've created a personal testing folder, you're ready to Create a Concept Topic!

Create a Concept Topic

In the previous section, you created your personal testing folder. Now, you'll add your first concept topic to your folder.

  1. In your personal testing folder, click Create New and select Concept.
    New Concept topic
  2. In the Create new window, in Title field, enter Introduction.
    Create new concept prompt
    The File name field automatically populates based on what you enter in the Title field.

    You can modify the file name if needed.


    The valid characters for file and folder names are:

    • lowercase letters (a-z)

    • uppercase letters (A-Z)

    • numbers (0-9)

    • underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.)

    This applies to creating files and folders and renaming files and folders.

  3. Click Create & Edit to open the new topic in the Content Editor.
    The Introduction topic opens in the Content Editor.
    Created concept topic
    Tip: You can also click Create to generate the topic and have it show in file listing but not immediately open in the Content Editor. You can double-click on a file in the listing to open it in the Content Editor.
  4. Place your cursor in any element placeholder, for example, the short description element, and type some text.
    A Concept topic with some content
  5. Insert new elements by clicking the + button or pressing Ctrl+Enter ( Windows®) or Cmd+Enter (Mac).
    Note: Elements are context-sensitive. You may use only elements that appear in your cursor location.
    Quick Insert Menu
  6. Perform each of the following actions by using the text editing toolbar:
    Text editing toolbar
    1. Insert a list.
    2. Insert an image.
    3. Insert a table.
    4. Add a comment.
    Tip: You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly perform an action. Click the keyboard icon to see a list of available actions.
  7. When you're done editing the topic, click the X to exit the Content Editor.
    Heretto CCMS automatically saves your editing changes.
Congratulations! You created your first concept topic and added some content to it. Now, let's Create a Task Topic.

Create a Task Topic

The process for creating a task topic is similar to creating a concept topic, so let's get to it!

  1. In the Content Library, click Create New and select Task.
    Create a Task
  2. In the Title field, enter First Procedure
    Creating new task
  3. Click Create & Edit .
    First procedure task
  4. Place your cursor in the command element in the first step element and begin adding an instruction to your procedure.
    Tip: You can press Enter to add a new step and command element.
  5. Insert additional elements by clicking the + icon.
    Insert a step example element by clicking the Step Example option in the dropdown.
    Concept Task with dropdown
    Note: Note: Elements are context-sensitive. You may use only elements that appear in your cursor location.
    A step example element is added to your topic.
  6. Click the Image icon to add an image to your step example element.
    Toolbar with the image button highlighted
    The Select File window opens. If you don't have an image in your Content Library yet, you can click the Upload button to add one.
    Content library
  7. If your image is too large, resize the image by doing the following:
    1. Click the image.
    2. Click Attributes to open the Attributes tab.
    3. In the Width field, enter 400.
    Image Attributes with width highlighted
    Tip: Clicking an image opens the Select Media window where you can quickly change, align and set the width of an image.
Now that you've created a concept topic and a task topic, let's Create a Map to organize your content.

Create a Map

Learn to create a map to organize your topics and prepare a set of content for publishing.

  1. In the Content Library, click Create New and select Map.
    Create new map
  2. In the Title field, enter a map name.
    Filling in the map title
  3. Click Create & Edit to create the map and open it in the Map Editor pane.
    Map Editor pane
    Now that you've created a map, you're going to add the concept and task topics you created to the map.
  4. To add the Introduction topic to the map, click Open Library in the lower left.
  5. In the content library, locate the introduction.dita the file, then drag and drop it in the Map Editor pane.
    Dragging and dropping topics into a map
  6. If prompted, to choose how you want to insert the topic, leave topicref selected and click Insert.
  7. Repeat steps 5 through 6 to add first_procedure.dita to the map.
    Tip: If you drop a topic on top of another topic in the Map Editor pane, it will add the topic as a child. This is how you can build hierarchy in a map.
You created your first map and added some topics to it. Now, you can Publish a Map.

Publish a Map

Now that you have a simple map built, it's time to publish it to PDF using the Heretto PDF Generator.

  1. Open the map in the resource manager by double-clicking the map.
    Content library
    Tip: Right-clicking the map opens up a context menu, where you can choose to open the editor in a new tab by clicking Edit in new tab.
    The map opens in the resource manager.
    resource manager
  2. Click Publish and then from the options, select one of the default PDF Generator templates.
    The Publish button
    Note: Publishing options may vary from CCMS instance to instance.
  3. Fill in the description as needed, then click Publish to generate a PDF.
    Publish Options menu
  4. Click the Download to save the PDF to your computer.
    Publish options menu
Congratulations! You've created several topics, added them to a map, and published your first PDF. You're now ready to create your own content in Heretto CCMS.