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Browse Tab

Use the Browse tab in the Content Library to navigate folders in your content repository.


Figure 1. Browse Tab
browse content

By default, the Content Library contains the following folders and buttons:


Shows all your system notifications.


Starred files are personal bookmarks used to quickly access a file.


Lists all the files that you have recently been working with. There is no limit to the number of files being displayed. This section lists all the files that you have ever interacted with, starting with the most recent ones.


Files are organized into folders and subfolders.


Files are organized into folders in subfolders. This folder contains your configuration files like topic templates, Heretto PDF Generator scenarios or Heretto Portal configuration files.


Files are sorted into a collection for organization and classification. Collections are different from folders in that files can only be organized into one folder, but they can appear in multiple collections.


Lists all the assignments in the system. You can filter out different types of assignments.

Localization Jobs

Lists all the localization jobs, both current and completed.


Removed files are shown in the Trash, though they are never deleted from your repository.

Starred Folder

Use the Starred folder as your personal bookmarks folder for resources in the content repository.

You can access your Starred folder by clicking Starred in the Browse tab.

Recent Folder

Use the Recent folder to see your recently modified files.


You can access your Recent folder by clicking Recent in the Browse tab.


The Recent folder shows your most recently modified files at the top. There is no file limit so you can browse all the files you have ever worked with.

Files show in the Recent folder when you:

  • Edit a file
  • Change the name of a file
  • Change the metadata of a file
  • Change the status of a file
  • Move a file
Note: Just opening files will not make them show in the Recent folder.


Use the Trash to view and restore files that have been deleted from the Content Library. Files moved to the Trash stay there and are not deleted permanently.


When you right-click a file and select Move to Trash, the file is removed from the file listing and moved to the Trash. To access the Trash, in the Content Library, click Trash.

content library image

Each remove event is stored as a trash event. A trash event can contain more than one file. For example, if you remove multiple files at once, this remove will only create one trash event. And you can choose to restore all the files in a trash event or just one file.

restore from trash image

Heretto CCMS does not let you move a file to the Trash if the file has any link dependencies. You must remove all dependencies before moving files to the trash. This ensures that moving files to the Trash does not result in broken links between files.