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Cross-Reference Approach to Processes

Processes that use cross-references are flexible but may become hard to maintain.


Keep in mind the following advantages of process topics that use cross-references:

  • You can add additional information to the process list. For example, you can add note elements or mark process step elements as optional.
  • You can link to the same task topic (procedure) from multiple process topics in a map.
  • Compatible with a variety of publishing engines and publishing scenarios.

Keep in mind the following limitations of process topics that use cross-references:

  • The process topic steps are not generated automatically so you need to add them manually.
  • Cross-referenced content can be hard to maintain. The process topic steps do not update automatically when the number or order of task topics (procedures) changes.
  • Topic hierarchy may not always be reflected, as the task topics (procedures) do not need to be appended under the process topic.


Figure 1. Process Example
cross reference process example