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Collection-Type Approach to Processes

Processes created by adjusting the collection-type attribute are easy to create and maintain.


Linking created by adjusting the collection-type attribute is compatible with the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) publishing scenarios with the args.rellinks parameter set to all, and Heretto Portal publishing. It is not compatible with Heretto PDF Generator publishing.


Keep in mind the following advantages of process topics using the collection-type attribute:

  • Easy to create and maintain. If the number or order of procedures appended to a process topic change, the process topic list updates automatically.
  • Reflects the topics' hierarchy in a map.

Keep in mind the following limitations of process topics using the collection-type attribute value:

  • You cannot manually add additional information to the process topic steps, as they are generated automatically.
  • You cannot append the same procedure under multiple process topics in the same map.
  • Your DITA Open Toolkit publishing scenarios may require configuration to render the process topic steps as expected.


Figure 1. Rendered Process
collection type process example
Figure 2. Process in the Table of Contents
collection type process table of content