Gretyl's Portal

Heretto Help

Customization Files

You can modify your Heretto Portal by adding and editing the configuration and style files in your Heretto CCMS. Each configuration and style file has a specific purpose and is responsible for different parts of the portal.

Configuration File

We defined multiple settings that you can use to align the portal to your needs by editing the config.json file. The configuration file can be edited directly in the Source Editor in Heretto CCMS. It enables you to edit elements like:

  • Title

  • Logo

  • The way programming code is interpreted and presented online

  • Content placeholders displayed upon triggering different actions

  • Footer contents

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatting rules apply. You can validate your new code with third-party JSON validators. Following the patterns and code examples mentioned in our documentation is enough to modify the config.json file, which means that expert-level knowledge about JSON is not required.

For more information on preparing and uploading the config.json file, see Customize the Heretto Portal Settings.

Style File

You can make your Heretto Portalmatch your brand's visual identity by applying your own CSS styling. You can maintain the code directly in Heretto CCMS and edit it in the Source Editor.

Note: If you are not familiar with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), you can refer to this third-party tutorial: CSS Tutorial at W3 Schools

The CSS file is used for styling elements like:

  • Fonts

  • Links

  • Backgrounds

  • Padding and margins

  • Borders

  • Sizes

It is also used for changing the way different DITA elements are displayed. For example, you can change the way different types of DITA <note> elements are presented.

Tip: CSS classes of rendered DITA elements remain the same both in Heretto Portal and Heretto PDF Generator. Therefore, it is possible to import a common external style sheet in both cases to preserve a consistent look of DITA elements regardless of the output.

For more information on preparing and uploading the .css file, see Customize Heretto Portal Styling.

Script File

You can modify the way your portal behaves and introduce custom features by applying additional JavaScript code. Custom scripts can be then saved in a scripts.js file.

Introduced enhancements may include modifications like:

  • Cookies consent

  • Newsletter subscription and other pop-ups

  • External plugins for sharing feedback by customers

Typically if a given modification goes beyond styling and settings available in the config.js file, it can be introduced with a custom script. You can either prepare your scripts in-house or use third-party scripts.

You can edit the code directly in Heretto CCMS by opening the the Source Editor.

For more information on preparing and uploading .js file, see Customize Heretto Portal Behavior.