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Hario V-60

Use the Hario V-60 for a balanced cup of coffee that neither highlights nor restricts the presentation of a coffee's flavor notes.

The Hario V-60 is our preferred in-office brewing method, for a couple of reasons:

First, the V-60 handles the Heretto blend very well.

Secondly, the V-60 is a single cup brewing method, and we all have slightly different preferences for our coffee. The V-60 lets us all make our own cups of coffee with our own slight tweaks to the brewing recipe and brewing method.

Brewing with the V-60

Use the V-60 for a classic, pour-over cup of coffee.

We recommend having a gooseneck kettle for more precise control during brewing, a demitasse spoon for stirring, a kitchen scale, and a timer. We also recommend your water temperature be between 197 and 204 degrees Fahrenheit.
  1. With your cup on the kitchen scale, place V-60 directly onto your cup.
  2. Place a size one or two paper filter into the V-60.
  3. Rinse the filter with hot water.
    Rinsing the filter removes excess paper particles that can have noticeable effects on the flavor notes of the coffee.
  4. Place 21 grams of ground coffee into the filter.
    Note: Be sure to tare the scale to 0 grams before starting to pour hot water into the coffee grounds.
  5. Start the timer and quickly pour 50 grams of hot water into the coffee grounds.
  6. Gently stir the coffee, ensuring all coffee is wet, and let "bloom" for 30 seconds.
    Letting the coffee bloom for 30 seconds helps release excess carbon dioxide, which negatively affects flavor.
  7. After 30 seconds, slowly pour water evenly over the coffee grounds.
  8. Pour until total weight is 340 grams of coffee at 2:30 minutes.
  9. Gently stir, and then let coffee draw-down (flow through the coffee grounds and into the cup) until 3:00 minutes.